Hi Georgia!
You didn't mention your server level, but it could be related to APAR
IC40330. It has been fixed in and 5.3.0 and higher.
Kindest regards,
Eric van Loon
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

-----Original Message-----
From: Blair, Georgia (OSSM) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 21:13
Subject: ANR0104E expiring objects

After getting these type of errors:

ANR0530W Transaction failed for session 198009 for node
                       LIFE15ACM (WinNT) - internal server error
detected. SAT3
04/17/05 20:10:57     ANR0104E imbkins.c(4593): Error 2 deleting row
from table
                        "Expiring.Objects". (SESSION: 185725)

04/18/05 20:11:16     ANR0104E imbkins.c(4593): Error 2 deleting row
from table
                        "Expiring.Objects". (SESSION: 191817)

04/19/05 20:12:28     ANR0104E imbkins.c(4593): Error 2 deleting row
from table
                        "Expiring.Objects". (SESSION: 198009)

we ran a CLEANUP BACKUPGROUP command. The process completed quickly and
the results showed no orphan files were deleted. ANR0847I CLEANUP
BACKUPGROUPS evaluated 2328 groups, and
                          deleted 0 orphan groups with 0 members

Does anyone know what we can try short of an audit of the database?

Georgia Blair
Storage Management

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