Oooops, Here is the client scheduler log file:
...(cut)... 04/14/2005 02:17:07 ANS1898I ***** Processed 1,874,500 files ***** 04/14/2005 02:17:08 ANS1898I ***** Processed 1,875,000 files ***** 04/14/2005 02:17:08 Expiring--> 8,192 \\sa000214\h$\ArchivedData1\0420\3ESW\M342\418.DV [Sent] 04/14/2005 02:17:08 Expiring--> 560,128 \\sa000214\h$\ArchivedData1\0420\3ESW\M342\419.DS [Sent] 04/14/2005 02:17:08 Expiring--> 8,192 \\sa000214\h$\ArchivedData1\0420\3ESW\M342\419.DV [Sent] 04/14/2005 02:17:08 Expiring--> 620,032 \\sa000214\h$\ArchivedData1\0420\3ESW\M342\420.DS [Sent] 04/14/2005 02:17:08 Expiring--> 8,704 \\sa000214\h$\ArchivedData1\0420\3ESW\M342\420.DV [Sent] 04/14/2005 02:17:08 Expiring--> 580,608 \\sa000214\h$\ArchivedData1\0420\3ESW\M342\421.DS [Sent] 04/14/2005 02:17:08 Expiring--> 8,192 \\sa000214\h$\ArchivedData1\0420\3ESW\M342\421.DV [Sent] ...(cut)... 04/14/2005 03:23:56 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS BEGIN 04/14/2005 03:23:56 Total number of objects inspected: 2,662,265 04/14/2005 03:23:56 Total number of objects backed up: 8,121 04/14/2005 03:23:56 Total number of objects updated: 0 04/14/2005 03:23:56 Total number of objects rebound: 0 04/14/2005 03:23:56 Total number of objects deleted: 0 04/14/2005 03:23:56 Total number of objects expired: 350,736 04/14/2005 03:23:56 Total number of objects failed: 0 04/14/2005 03:23:56 Total number of bytes transferred: 2.14 GB 04/14/2005 03:23:56 Data transfer time: 455.26 sec 04/14/2005 03:23:56 Network data transfer rate: 4,951.34 KB/sec 04/14/2005 03:23:56 Aggregate data transfer rate: 216.95 KB/sec 04/14/2005 03:23:56 Objects compressed by: 0% 04/14/2005 03:23:56 Elapsed processing time: 02:53:10 04/14/2005 03:23:56 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS END And here is the server actlog about todays expire process: 04/14/2005 06:52:01 ANR0812I Inventory file expiration process 793 completed: examined 67359 objects, deleting 67185 backup objects, 0 archive objects, 0 DB backup volumes, and 0 recovery plan files. 0 errors were encountered. So there are 67000 objects expired (quite normal for the number of clients 20-25) and as I can see from the volumes, there is no reduction in 5 years backup volumes sizes, all full 100%. So the files have not expired, which is good. But what is the 350,000 number in client scheduler log ? And can it fill my server recovery log ? Because thats how I get to the issue, the server recovery log was filled up. Thanks, Tuncel Mutlu ************************************************************************************* Bu e-posta ve muhtemel eklerinde verilen bilgiler kişiye özel ve gizli olup, yalnızca mesajda belirlenen alıcı ile ilgilidir.Size yanlışlıkla ulaşmışsa lütfen göndericiye bilgi veriniz, mesajı siliniz ve içeriğini başka bir kişiye açıklamayınız, herhangi bir ortama kopyalamayınız. Bu mesaj aksi sözleşme ile belirtilmedikçe herhangi bir finansal işlem teklifi, alımı, satımı veya herhangi bir havalenin teyidi gibi bankacılık işlemi yapılması amacını taşımamaktadır.Verilen tüm bilgilerin doğruluğu ve bütünlüğünün garantisi verilmemekte olup, önceden bildirilmeksizin değiştirilebilecektir.Bu mesajın içeriği Bankamızın resmi görüşlerini yansıtmayabileceğinden Akbank T.A.Ş. hiçbir hukuki sorumluluğu kabul etmez.