The Baltimore/Washington DC/Northern Virginia TSM Users Group is planning its semiannual meeting for Thursday, May 5, 2005.
For this meeting, we are returning to Computer Applications Specialists, Inc. (CAS), in Laurel, Maryland. On the agenda is James Griggs of Freddie Mac, who will be sharing his thoughts on approaches to long-term electronic business records retention in a Sarbanes-Oxley and HIPAA world, and how TSM can fit into that process. We also expect to have a presentation on the new features of TSM 5.3. The meeting is free, and everyone is welcome. HOWEVER, if you are planning to attend the meeting, you must REGISTER by Thursday, April 28. TO REGISTER: Send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Registration for TSMUG Include your name, company name, current phone#. You may register multiple people, but please include names, phone numbers, and email addresses for everyone you are registering. If you register and find out later you can't attend, someone can substitute for you without re-registering. Morning refreshments and lunch will be provided. Registration/sign-in begins at 8:30 AM, and a round table discussion will accompany lunch, concluding at around 1:00 PM. The address where the meeting will take place is: Computer Applications Specialists, Inc. 6201 Chevy Chase Drive Laurel, MD 20707 Please use Mapquest or your favorite mapping software to obtain the best driving directions from your location. We're looking forward to an interesting and informative meeting, so come on out and participate! If you know of someone else who might be interested but was not invited, have that person RSVP to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and s/he will be counted for this meeting, as well as added to the mailing list for the future. Never been to a TSMUG meeting? Check us out: Business partners: Business partners are welcome to attend so long as you register and identify yourself as such. We encourage you to forward this invitation to any of your customers with an interest in TSM. Still have questions? email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] voice: Wanda Prather 443-778-8769