here are our figures:

------------     --------------
        76.3              32768

ACTIVITY                     Date                Objects Examined Up/Hr
------------------     ----------     ---------------------------------
EXPIRATION             2005-03-08                               1476000
EXPIRATION             2005-03-09                               1105200
EXPIRATION             2005-03-10                               1602000
EXPIRATION             2005-03-11                               1414800
EXPIRATION             2005-03-12                               1519200
EXPIRATION             2005-03-13                               2520000
EXPIRATION             2005-03-14                               1566000
EXPIRATION             2005-03-15                               1396800
EXPIRATION             2005-03-16                               1292400
EXPIRATION             2005-03-17                               1720800
EXPIRATION             2005-03-18                               1814400
EXPIRATION             2005-03-19                               1861200
EXPIRATION             2005-03-20                               3495600
EXPIRATION             2005-03-21                               2700000
EXPIRATION             2005-03-22                               1908000
EXPIRATION             2005-03-23                               1879200
EXPIRATION             2005-03-24                               1947600
EXPIRATION             2005-03-25                               2322000
EXPIRATION             2005-03-26                               3063600
EXPIRATION             2005-03-27                               3211200
EXPIRATION             2005-03-28                               3711600
EXPIRATION             2005-03-29                               2750400
EXPIRATION             2005-03-30                               1893600
EXPIRATION             2005-03-31                               1821600
EXPIRATION             2005-04-01                               1890000
EXPIRATION             2005-04-02                               1242000
EXPIRATION             2005-04-03                               2959200
EXPIRATION             2005-04-04                               2386800
EXPIRATION             2005-04-05                               1882800
EXPIRATION             2005-04-06                               1789200


Loon, E.J. van - SPLXM wrote:

>Hi *SM-ers!
>Please help me with this and take the time to read this request!!!!
>We're having serious performance problems with our TSM database. Part of the
>discussion with IBM is how expiration should perform.
>A technical document on the TSM website stated that one should be able to
>expire 3.8 million objects per hour. As soon as I referred to this document
>("How to determine when disk tuning is needed") IBM removed it from their
>Expiration runs at a speed of 140.000 objects per hour in my shop an I know
>for sure that some of you are running at 3.8 million or more and I like to
>prove this to IBM.
>I'm begging for your help with this. I would like to ask you to issue the
>following SQL statements on your TSM server(s) and send the output directly
>select activity, cast ((end_time) as date) as "Date" ,(examined/cast
>((end_time-start_time) seconds as decimal(18,13)) *3600) "Objects Examined
>Up/Hr" from summary where activity='EXPIRATION' and days (end_time)
>select pct_utilized, avail_space_mb from db
>The first statement calculates your expiration performance (objects/hour)
>and the second one lists your database size and utilization.
>Thank you VERY much for sending me your statistics in advance, I REALLY
>appreciate it!!!
>Kindest regards,
>Eric van Loon
>KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
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