On Fri, Apr 01, 2005 at 01:57:56PM -0600, Bill Kelly wrote:

> I heard, both Jurjen and I have problems open with IBM hardware support
> (personally, I suspect a firmware problem, but obviously that's just an
> uneducated guess).

I'm now running on 4AP0, a non-released version. The 'silly' TapeAlerts
are gone now, only real TapeAlerts seem to remain. The only thing I'm
still seeing is that some tapes keep producing "This tape
is not data-grade. Your data is at risk."-TapeAlerts.

But I don't intend to hijack the topic, which was about a 3583. Since
it's been almost 1,5 years since I last worked with one of those, I
don't think I can help there.

Jurjen Oskam

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