I am sensing some major confusion here. The backupset is a separate tape
that contains its own copy of the current active data with a database up
front to locate files. The tape can be restored with the client software
without need for a TSM server. The tape will never be empty till you check
it in after its retention time. Retention time is only the minimum
retention along with how long the TSM database will remember the tape. The
tape is fully useable after the retention time is gone.
Backupset was created for those old school individuals that want a self
contained snapshot of a system at the time the tape is created. Once
created it is a separate entity. It requires a TSM client to restore the
tape, but is not part of the TSM server after creation.
I hope my information is helpfull and accurate. I have only been doing
this for a few years, and over that time found backupsets very usefull in
certain DR scenarios.
Joni Moyer
Dist Stor cc
.EDU> Re: Move Media & DR
03/22/2005 11:17
Please respond to
"ADSM: Dist Stor
Hi Bill!
I have ACSLS, so I guess I'll have to eject the tapes through that software
method, but how do I know when they have expired and need to be brought
back onsite? It's a little confusing because it's not in a stgpool, so I
won't have knowledge of when it's empty. Any ideas? Thanks!
Joni Moyer
Storage Systems
"William Boyer"
.NET> To
Dist Stor cc
.EDU> Re: Move Media & DR
03/22/2005 01:55
Please respond to
"ADSM: Dist Stor
Backupsets are not considered DRMEDIA by DRM. You can't use MOVE MEDIA on
them either because they do not belong to a storage pool.
You would have to write your own scripts to look for the backupset tapes
and then update the volhistory record for that tape with a
LOCATION= parameter.
You should be able to do a CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME on the newly created
backupset tape. It's still part of the library inventory.
The only product I know of that can manage backupset volumes for vaulting
is Autovault from http://www.coderelief.com
Bill Boyer
"Some days you're the bug, some days you're the windshield" - ??
-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Mark D. Rodriguez
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 1:44 PM
Subject: Re: Move Media & DR
My first question is are you licensed for the "Extended Edition" of TSM,
because it includes DRM support which will make your life much easier
when it comes to managing off site tapes and doing DR testing. In
particular you would be using "move drmedia" commands instead of "move
media" commands. The "move media" commands are more useful for handling
on site primary pool tapes that need to be moved out side of the library
for whatever reason. Whereas the "move drmedia" commands are designed
to do exactly what you are trying to do.
I sent you an email earlier with my contact info in it. If you would
like feel free to call me and we can discuss these issues over the phone.
Mark D. Rodriguez
President MDR Consulting, Inc.
MDR Consulting
The very best in Technical Training and Consulting.
IBM Advanced Business Partner
SAIR Linux and GNU Authorized Center for Education
IBM Certified Advanced Technical Expert, CATE
AIX Support and Performance Tuning, RS6000 SP, TSM/ADSM and Linux
Red Hat Certified Engineer, RHCE
Joni Moyer wrote:
Hello Everyone!
I have the volume N00043 that I have sent to the vault by using the move
media command. I will be having a DR test and will be taking the tape(s)
to the DR site. The volume is read-only and is mountable, but not in the
library. Will I have to do any updates to the tapes if I want to mount
this tape at our DR site? I was thinking no, but I just thought I would
ask. Thanks!
Volume State Location Automated
Name ame
-------- -------------------------- -------------------
N00043 Mountable not in library Vital Records, Inc.
Volume Name: N00043
Storage Pool Name: TAPE_NDMP_OFFSITE
Device Class Name: NASDEV
Estimated Capacity (MB): 515,035.1
Scaled Capacity Applied:
Pct Util: 99.9
Volume Status: Filling
Access: Read-Only
Pct. Reclaimable Space: 0.1
Scratch Volume?: Yes
In Error State?: No
Number of Writable Sides: 1
Number of Times Mounted: 36
Write Pass Number: 1
Approx. Date Last Written: 03/18/05 20:53:54
Approx. Date Last Read: 03/17/05 12:55:14
Date Became Pending:
Number of Write Errors: 0
Number of Read Errors: 0
Volume Location: Vital Records, Inc.
Joni Moyer
Storage Systems