Can it be because it didn't label the cartridges ? And when TSM tried to use 
them, it didn't find any TSM label so they are marked private.

Normally I am checkin scratch tapes with label libvolume command.


Tuncel Mutlu

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Mark Strasheim
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 12:47 PM
Subject: Tape went back to private without reason (2)


Sorry i forgot to say:
I checked the actlog, and took the error code ANR8355E, which i allso look up.
What is ment by prelabeled? I use barcode which are sticked onto the tape.
I check them in, with checkin libvolume with search=yes. I'm pretty sure,
that i check in the first tapes the same way.

>>i have put 10 new Tape into the Library. I marked them with scratch. After 2 
>>they all went back to private, so i change them back to scratch ... this 
>>i am playing for one week now, and i am tried. I can't see any reason why 
>>this happens. 
>>Maybe anyone of you can make some sence of it. 

with regards

Mark Stasheim


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