1. True, there is no built-in functionality in TSM to make this easy. You could try using the QUERY BACKUP client command with the -INACTIVE option or the SELECT admin command to display all of User x's backups, redirect the output to a file, and massage into individual restore commands with corresponding -TODATE, -TOTIME, and -LATEST options (dsmc restore c:\filea c:\restdata\filea_20050302221015 -todate=03/02/2005 -totime=22:10:15 -latest).
This is really ugly, and I have not idea how well it will run in a real TSM environment, but it was interesting to contemplate :-) select 'restore ' || '"' || filespace_name || hl_name || ll_name || '" "' || \ filespace_name || hl_name || ll_name || '_' || \ left(cast(date(backup_date) as char(10)), 4) || \ substr(cast(date(backup_date) as char(10)), 6, 2) || \ right(cast(date(backup_date) as char(10)), 2) || '_' || \ left(cast(time(backup_date) as char(8)), 2) || \ substr(cast(time(backup_date) as char(8)), 4, 2) || \ right(cast(time(backup_date) as char(8)), 2) || \ ' -todate=' || \ substr(cast(date(backup_date) as char(10)), 6, 2) || '/' || \ right(cast(date(backup_date) as char(10)), 2) || '/' || \ left(cast(date(backup_date) as char(10)), 4) || \ ' -totime=' || \ left(cast(time(backup_date) as char(8)), 8) || \ ' -latest' \ from backups Best run as a macro in batch mode with the -commad and -dataonly=y options. 2. There are no server commands that will give you the owner info. The TSM server houses the data as a "blob", but has knowledge of how to interpret it. Regards, Andy Andy Raibeck IBM Software Group Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/[EMAIL PROTECTED] Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked. The command line is your friend. "Good enough" is the enemy of excellence. "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 2005-03-02 12:21:10: > ~Gah~, I hate it when Legal calls up on a "fishing trip"... > > Here are their questions: > > 1. > "Can we restore all the deleted files/versions of from UserX's > home directory so we can look at them?" > > My initial thoughts: Not too bad, but how can I deal with all > the different versions of a file? There's no TSM built-in way to restore > them all with different names unless I do it manually. > > 2. > "Can we restore all of UserX's deleted files from all the > backups across the enterprise?" > > My initial thoughts: WHAT?!?! We have 800 TSM clients with 400TB > of backed up data in 600 million files! > In our environment users have many areas they can write to: Home > directories, Departmental servers, Source-code repositories, production > areas, etc. How the heck can I find all of a users files in the TSM > backups? There are no queries that I can see that show file owners, even > though I know it is in the TSM DB somewhere. I might be able to get > ownership by running one of those undocumented "show" commands but I'm > still not sure it would work. > > > What do you all think? > > I think #1 is possible but unfortunately a manual process, #2 is > way out there near the "impossible" realm. > > Thanks, > Ben