On Fri, 2005-02-25 at 14:53 +0000, Phil Jones wrote: > Hi Guys, > > We have a situation where we were using TDP for Oracle\ RMAN and the old > backups were not expiring. > We have now solve the expiration problem on the current backups, but cannot > expire the old backups already removed from Oracle (please excuse my > terminology - I'm not a dba). > > Our dba says: > > How can we use TDPOSYNC if we are not using an RMAN catalog?
If I understand you correctly, you have differences between the backups registered in the controlfile and backups stored in TSM. do, as an oracle user: rman target <SID> nocatalog RMAN> allocate channel for maintenance type 'sbt_tape'; # parms ... if needed RMAN> CROSSCHECK BACKUP; you will find backups as available, unavailable, expired. The unavailable backups will be changed by RMAN to expired. The expired backups cann be deleted with RMAN> DELETE EXPIRED; TDPOSYNC is only useable with an RMAN-DB, it syncs the RMAN-DB, the controlfile and TSM. Yes, even if using a RMAN-DB, the bakups taken will be stored in the controlfile. Be aware of the fact that TDP for ORacle backups are stored in the TSM as backups, not archives. Each backup is a unique file, so expiration will not take place from TSM. You have to expire the backups by means of RMAN-Commands or SET-options. -- Michael Prix WINDOWS: Work Is Never Done On Windows Systems.