Did you restore onto the same hardware or to different hardware. If it is 
different hardware is there a difference between the server that was backed up 
and the server you restored?  Usually boot problems with windows OS restores 
are due to one of two things.  Either you have different hardware in which case 
you have to run through the In-Place upgrade or you didn't have the correct 
service pack installed when you first built the server.

Remember that if you want to restore the backup of an OS+SP (ex Windows 2000 
SP4) then you must first build the server with that OS+SP prior to performing 
the restore.  Also if you are on differnt hardware and you want to perform a 
dissimilar restore then on the first boot after the restore you must boot form 
a Windows installation CD with the OS "slipstreamed" into it.


Sandra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear All,
I had to restore active directory, and the one which did not have any any other
backup domain controller (This is also our mail server MS Exchange 2000).

What i did was that i installed OS and service packs .. and then simply went
into restoring the server using backups !

1-Restored drive C
2-Restored Drive D
3- Restored System objects

When i restarted the system it didn't comeup instead it remained at the first
white bar of windows loading against black back ground.

I was pretty much confused as to what did i do wrong as i restored everything
and it should have come back.

Anyone any idea on this? I wanted to keep things simple but it sounds like it is
not letting me to be simple .. !


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