Here is the script in it's final form if any one else wants it.  Adjust your 
devclass and char/decimal output and column titles as needed..

select -
  cast(a.stgpool_name as char(22)) as "Stg Pool              ", -
  cast((a.est_capacity_mb/1024/1024) as dec(5,2)) as "TB", -
  a.pct_utilized as "PctUtl", -
  a.pct_logical as "Logi", -
  cast(a.recl_running as char(4)) as "Run?", -
  cast(a.reclaim as dec(3)) as "Recl", -
  cast(a.maxscratch as dec(3)) as "Max", -
  cast(count(*) as dec(3)) as "VolUsed", -
  cast(a.maxscratch - count(*) as dec(3)) as "Diff" -
from -
  stgpools a, -
  volumes b -
where -
  devclass in ('LTO','LTO2') and -
  a.stgpool_name=b.stgpool_name -
group by -
  a.stgpool_name, -
  a.est_capacity_mb, -
  a.pct_utilized, -
  a.pct_logical, -
  a.recl_running, -
  a.reclaim, -

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Robert 
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 11:44 PM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Select for Tape Storage Pool Report

Hi Todd

This Script will give you the number of volumes per stg and maxscratch allocated

select a.stgpool_name,a.maxscratch,count(*)  as "Number of Vols" from stgpools 
a, volumes b where a.stgpool_name = b.stgpool_name and a.devclass = 
'SCALARCLASS' group by a.stgpool_name,a.maxscratch

Regards Robert Ouzen
Haifa University

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Todd 
Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2005 12:00 AM
Subject: Select for Tape Storage Pool Report

I created this SQL select statement...
select -
  cast(stgpool_name as char(22)) as "Stg Pool              ", -
  cast((est_capacity_mb/1024/1024) as decimal(5,2)) as "TB", -
  pct_utilized as "Util", -
  pct_logical as "Logi", -
  cast(recl_running as char(4)) as "Run?", -
  cast(reclaim as dec(3)) as "Recl", -
  cast(maxscratch as dec(3)) as "Max" -
from stgpools -
where devclass in ('LTO','LTO2') 
It outputs exactly what I think it should...
Stg Pool                       TB      Util      Logi    Run?     Recl      Max
----------------------    -------    ------    ------    ----    -----    -----
L1_CPY_DBVL_LTO2_OFF1       19.06      14.5     100.0    NO        100       55
L1_CPY_DB_LTO_OFF1          18.18       0.8     100.0    NO        100      100
L1_CPY_DB_LTO_ON             0.00       0.0     100.0    NO        100       25
L1_CPY_DSKIMG_LTO2_OFF       0.00       0.0     100.0    NO        100       30
L1_CPY_LTO2_OFF1            10.91       3.9      99.9    NO        100       30
L1_CPY_LTO_OFF1              9.50      35.9      99.5    YES        60       50
L1_CPY_LTO_ON                0.00       0.0     100.0    NO        100       20
L1_PRI_DBVL_LTO2            16.65      16.6     100.0    NO        100       40
L1_PRI_DB_LTO                5.43       2.7     100.0    NO        100       24
L1_PRI_DSKIMG_LTO2           0.00       0.0     100.0    NO         60       10
L1_PRI_LTO                   5.85      58.5      99.1    NO        100       29
L1_PRI_LTO2                  3.00      14.4      99.9    NO        100        8
L2_CPY_DB_LTO_OFF1           0.00       0.0     100.0    NO        100       20
L2_CPY_DSKIMG_LTO2_OFF       0.00       0.0     100.0    NO        100       30
L2_CPY_LTO_OFF1              5.07      22.2      99.8    NO         60       30
L2_PRI_DB_LTO                0.00       0.0     100.0    NO        100        1
L2_PRI_DSKIMG_LTO2           0.00       0.0     100.0    NO         60       10
L2_PRI_LTO                   2.32      48.8      99.6    NO        100       15
L3_CPY_DB_LTO_OFF1           3.69      15.7     100.0    YES        60       20
L3_CPY_DOM_LTO_OFF1          4.54      11.1     100.0    YES        60       25
L3_CPY_DSKIMG_LTO2_OFF       0.00       0.0     100.0    NO        100       30
L3_CPY_LTO_OFF1              6.25      61.0      99.8    NO         60       35
L3_CPY_MAIL_LTO_OFF1         3.56       5.7     100.0    NO        100       20
L3_PRI_DB_LTO                2.64      22.1     100.0    NO        100       10
L3_PRI_DOM_LTO               1.74      29.0     100.0    NO        100       10
L3_PRI_DSKIMG_LTO2           0.00       0.0     100.0    NO         60       10
L3_PRI_LTO                   5.68      67.3      99.6    NO        100       30
L3_PRI_MAIL_LTO              1.77      17.0     100.0    NO        100       10
LTOTAPE                     11.54      25.7      99.7    NO         60       50
LTOTAPE_SQL                  1.81       3.6     100.0    NO        100       10
OFFSITE                     19.16      15.8      99.9    YES        60      100
SPACEMGPOOL                  0.00       0.0     100.0    NO         60        0

But, I want to add yet one more column.. the count of volumes currently 
assigned to that storage pool.  I can find that information with the following 
select statement...
select -
  count(*) -
from volumes -
where stgpool_name='SOME_STGPOOL_NAME'
select -
  stgpool_name, -
  count(*) -
from volumes -
group by stgpool_name
I know I can select from multiple tables select a.col5, a.col20, b.col7 from 
table1 a, table2 b, blah blah..
But I am unsure how to code the "count" portion and relate it to the 
stgpool_name of that line... 
I also can't seem to get subselects to work.. I thought I had done this before, 
but I am not sure on that one... 
select * from (select col1, col2, col3 from tableA)
I bet one of YOU can do it in 93 seconds, or less...
The clock is ticking..

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