The AIX client that you can download from FTP site, worked for me on both jfs and jfs2.
Jin Bae Chi (Gus) System Administrator Data Center, CSCC 614-287-5270 614-287-5488 Fax [EMAIL PROTECTED] >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2/4/2005 12:25:07 PM >>> Hello, on AIX clients with jfs and jfs2 filesystems should I install - the jfs2 filesets ? - the "normal" filesets ? - or both ? Any suggestion ? Andreas. --------------- jfs2 filesets: TSM Client - Backup/Archive Base Files .ba.jfs2.base TSM Client - Backup/Archive Common Files .ba.jfs2.common TSM Client - Backup/Archive WEB Client .ba.jfs2.web TSM Client - IMAGE Backup Client .ba.jfs2.image TSM Client - NAS Backup Client .ba.jfs2.nas TSM Client - Application Programming Interface .api.jfs2