Hello again!

I issued the command and it still doesn't want to come up.  I get the

I have 3 volumes defined: /tsmdev/log/vol1-3 and each are 4GB in size.  It
appears as if I only have 4MB assigned to the log, so I tried to extend it
and it is still throwing a fit...  Am I entering the wrong command?

chrs044|/usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin# dsmserv extend log /tsmdev/log/vol2
ANR7800I DSMSERV generated at 08:09:39 on May 17 2004.
* Patch TSM Server (Driver 0000, Build 04138.0809) *
* This is a server service PATCH based on certified service    *
* level and has not been fully tested.  List of        *
* fixes made can be found in the README                        *
*                                                              *

Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX-RS/6000
Version 5, Release 2, Level 2.5

Licensed Materials - Property of IBM

(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1999,2003. All rights reserved.
U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure
restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation.

ANR0900I Processing options file dsmserv.opt.
ANR7811I Direct I/O will be used for all eligible disk files.
ANR0200I Recovery log assigned capacity is 4 megabytes.
ANR0201I Database assigned capacity is 19484 megabytes.
ANR0306I Recovery log volume mount in progress.
ANR9999D admstart.c(3560): ThreadId<8> Error 21 from lvmAddVol.
Callchain of p
revious message: 0x0000000100017a04 outDiagf <- 0x00000001003fa274
gThread <- 0x0000000100007fc8 StartThread <- 0x09000000002f9244
ANR7835I The server thread 7 terminated in response to server shutdown.
ANR7835I The server thread 8 terminated in response to server shutdown.
ANR0991I Server shutdown complete.
Joni Moyer
Storage Systems

             "Prather, Wanda"
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
             UAPL.EDU>                                                  To
             Sent by: "ADSM:           ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU
             Dist Stor                                                  cc
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                     Subject
             .EDU>                     Re: Emergency!  Server will not

             01/18/2005 03:26

             Please respond to
             "ADSM: Dist Stor
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

LOGSEG871 is almost always due to your recovery log filling up.

Look in the TSM admin guide for DSMSERV EXTEND LOG.

Add at least 20M (100M is better) to your recovery log and restart.

As soon as it comes up, kill any running processes, and manually run a
DB backup to clear the log.
Then go back into your activity log and see if you can figure out what
was running that took you down..

Wanda Prather
"I/O, I/O, It's all about I/O"  -(me)

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Joni Moyer
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 3:16 PM
Subject: Emergency! Server will not start

Hello All!

Has anyone ever experienced this issue?  I tried to start the TSM server
and it appears as if it is trying to start and then I receive the
following:  Any help is appreciated!

ANR7837S Internal error LOGSEG871 detected.
  0x00000001000098cc pkAbort
  0x0000000100090120 LogAllocSegment
  0x000000010008c918 ForceLogPages
  0x000000010008d36c LogWriterThread
  0x0000000100007fc8 StartThread
  0x09000000002f9244 _pthread_body
ANR7833S Server thread 1 terminated in response to program abort.
ANR7833S Server thread 2 terminated in response to program abort.
ANR7833S Server thread 3 terminated in response to program abort.
ANR7833S Server thread 4 terminated in response to program abort.
ANR7833S Server thread 5 terminated in response to program abort.
ANR7833S Server thread 6 terminated in response to program abort.
ANR7833S Server thread 7 terminated in response to program abort.
ANR7833S Server thread 8 terminated in response to program abort.
ANR7833S Server thread 9 terminated in response to program abort.
ANR7833S Server thread 10 terminated in response to program abort.
ANR7833S Server thread 11 terminated in response to program abort.
Joni Moyer
Storage Systems

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