
I am having a very annoying problem with a recently
acquired Spectra 2K library, I was hoping that someone
on the list could confirm this.
My configuration:

TSM on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0
Spectra 2K (Treefrog) library, SCSI attached
Two AIT-4 (SDX-900V) drives

The problem:

When dismounting a tape after a read or write operation,
the tape is ejected from the drive but the tape picker does
not move the tape back to its slot in the library. Because
TSM 5.3 now uses the native Linux SCSI driver (sg) instead
of loading its own modules, I was able to trace that TSM
keeps a file descriptor open on the tape device while at
the same time issuing a "move medium" command to the
library. The file descriptor is kept open as long as the volume
is in the "dismounting" state. Eventually the "move medium"
command times out, and TSM logs an I/O error on the changer.
After doing several dismount retries, TSM abandons the
operation and removes the file descriptor, and at that
precise moment the picker wakes up and moves the tape
back to the slot. Of course, after that TSM has lost track of
the tape and an "audit library" is required...

My conclusion is that the library tries to inquire on the drive
before picking up the ejected tape, but the drive is blocked
by the open file descriptor. AFAIK, it is TSM's normal
behaviour to lock the drives until the completion of the
dismount operation (I have done tests on AIX, not with the
same library though). So the problem is that the library is
not obeying to the "move medium" command when it should.
I wrote to Spectra Logic about this, they have not gotten
back to me yet.

Anyway, if anyone has worked with this library or had any
similar experiences, your insight is much appreciated :-)

Many thanks,
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