Just an FYI - I now know why my ISC installation fails - not enough
memory. I just installed the ISC at another site on a W2K Server SP4 with
0.5GB RAM - the installation failed. So, we "installed" more memory (the
W2K Server was running under VMWare) and the ISC installation went fine
with 1.0GB RAM.

Joerg Pohlmann

----- Forwarded by Joerg Pohlmann/CanWest/IBM on 2005-01-05 19:15 -----

Joerg Pohlmann/CanWest/IBM
2005-01-03 12:37

"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>

Re: Stuck in ISC install process for

Thanks Rainer. I have successfully installed the ISC on W2K Server, but on
my W2K Professional, the install still fails. The 5.3 announcement letter
states that W2K Professional is supported for the Admin Center, but I have
a feeling it's not a true statement. In any case, thanks for your help.

Joerg Pohlmann

Rainer Tammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>
2004-12-20 05:31
Please respond to
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"


Re: Stuck in ISC install process for

this is the wrong log file. You could find details about the error in
C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\ISCRuntimeInstall.log .

If  you want to do a uninstall read carefully the README.INSTALL (last
Do exactely what is written in this section. (If you do not follow the
instructions all further installations will fail !!).

---- README.INSTALL ----------

Manually uninstalling the Integrated Solutions Console:
If the install program fails or you are unable to uninstall with the
you can try to manually remove the Integrated Solutions Console runtime
then install again.  To manually remove the console runtime, perform the
following steps:

  1.  Open a command window or go to a command prompt.

  2.  Stop the console server (which is the application server named
      o UNIX:
        <isc_home>/PortalServer/bin/stopISC.sh ISC_Portal
      o Windows:
        <isc_home>\PortalServer\bin\stopISC.bat ISC_Portal

  3.  Stop the application server named server1 by issuing one of the
      following commands:
      o For installations on AIX, Linux, and Solaris systems, issue the
        following command (on a single line):
        <isc_home>/AppServer/bin/stopServer.sh server1 -user
         application_server_administrator -password

      o For installations on Windows systems, issue the
        following command (on a single line):
        <isc_home>\AppServer\bin\stopServer.bat server1 -user
          application_server_administrator -password

        <isc_home> is the root directory for your
        Integrated Solutions Console runtime installation.

  4.  To clean the system temporary directory, perform the following
      1.  Change to the system temporary directory. The temporary
          is the value of the operating system variable %TEMP% on Windows
          systems and /tmp on the other systems.
      2.  Save a copy of the following files in the temporary directory:
          o ISCRuntimeInstall.log
          o ISCRuntime.rsp
          o ISCRuntimeUninstall.log
          o All of the Portal*.log files
      3.  In the temporary directory, delete all of the files and the
          directories that begin with the string ISC (such as
          ISC_TEMP, ISCToolkitInstall.log) and all files that begin with
          string Portal (such as PortalInit.log and PortalSetupWAS.log).

  5.  To clean the registry that InstallShield for Multiplatforms uses:
      1.  Locate the file vpd.properties.
          o On AIX, Linux, and Solaris systems, search for the file. There
            might be multiple vpd.properties files on an AIX system. If
            are multiple copies, be sure to edit all copies of the file
            you perform the edit step.
          o On Windows systems, search the system directory
            (such as C:\WINNT\vpd.properties).
      2.  Save a copy of the vpd.properties file.
      3.  Use a text editor to open the vpd.properties file. Use an
editor that
          does not wrap lines so that you can easily isolate single
lines for
          removal. Setting the editor to use a monospace font (for
          Courier) will make it easier to see the file structure.
      4.  Delete each line that refers to the path for the root
directory of
          the console runtime.  If there are no remaining lines in
          vpd.properties, leave the file empty or delete it.

      NOTE: On AIX the product registry contains entries regarding the
            installation, which must be manually removed.  To remove
            those entries run vpddel.  Run lslpp -L to obtain a list of
            everything in the product registry.  Locate the enteries for
            that contain the installation directory of the Integrated
            Console. Using the output from the command, construct a
vpddel command
            for each entry. For example,

                vpddel -c integratedSolutionsConsole -v -D /isc

            where the information for parameters is from the output of
lslpp -L.
            See AIX documentation for more information on the usage of
lslpp and

  6.  Perform one of the following steps to manually disable automatic
      restart at reboot of the console and console server:
      o For AIX, Linux, and Solaris systems: Edit the operating system
        /etc/inittab to remove the following line:

        iscn:23:boot:<isc_home>/PortalServer/bin/startISC.sh ISC_Portal

          <isc_home> is the root directory for your
          Integrated Solutions Console runtime installation.

      o For Windows systems, issue the following commands,
        each on a single line:

          <isc_home>\AppServer\bin\wasservice.exe -remove
            "ISC Runtime Service"

          <isc_home>\PortalServer\ISCEclipse\EclipseSvc.exe -delete
            "ISC Help Service"

            <isc_home> is the root directory for your
            Integrated Solutions Console runtime installation.

  7.  To stop all Java processes for Integrated Solutions Console,
      perform the following steps :
      o For AIX, Linux, and Solaris systems, perform the following steps:
          1.  Issue the following command to find the processes that are

              ps -ef | grep java

          2.  Kill all of those processes.
      o For Windows systems, perform the following steps:
          1.  Open Windows Task Manager.
          2.  Locate the Java processes and end those processes.
              Look for a Java process with a Mem Usage over 200 MB.

      NOTE: There may be other Java processes on running for other

  8.  For Solaris systems only, perform the following steps:
      1.  Run the following commands to locate entries
          in the operating system package registry:
          cd /var/sadm/pkg
          grep -l BASEDIR=<isc_home>/PortalServer$ ./*/pkginfo

      2.  Delete each directory that contains a pkginfo file found by the
          grep command.  This step will allow a successful re-install.

  9.  Delete environment variable 'ISC_HOME'.
      o For AIX, Linux, and Solaris systems, issue the following command:

        unset ISC_HOME

      o For Windows systems, perform the following steps:

        Open 'My Computer' properties.
        Click 'Advanced' tab.
        Click 'Environment Variables...'.
        Under 'System Variables', select 'ISC_HOME'.
        Click 'Delete'.

  10.  Delete the root directory for the console runtime.

---- README.INSTALL ----------


Joerg Pohlmann wrote:

> Hi. I upgraded my TSM server to - worked just fine. Then I
> started installing the ISC but my PC crashed at about 15% into the
> install due to other stuff running. I had to power off/power on then
> tried to reinstall the ISC. I am getting a message stating that
>     * An error occurred and product installation failed. Look at the
>       log file C:\Program Files\IBM\ISC\log.txt for details.
>     * An error occurred and product uninstallation failed. Look at the
>       log file C:\Program Files\IBM\ISC\log.txt for details.
> So, I cannot uninstall or re-install - is there an option to force an
> uninstall or reinstall? I have attached the log file for anyone to help.
> Thanks.
> Joerg Pohlmann
> 604-535-0452

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