Mark thanks,

This helped make things clearer for me also!


"Mark D. Rodriguez" wrote:

> Hi,
> I will attempt to clarify these issues here in regards to reclamation
> and migration.  My explanation is based on several years of experience,
> course material that I have taught, and conversation with other ITSM
> experts.  Another words I have not seen the actual code and without that
> no one can say for sure what it is doing.
> Migration:
>     * Migration process(es) start with the himig threshold is passed.
>       The number of processes started is controlled by maxproc value.
>     * ITSM will evaluate which node has the most data in the storage
>       pool at that time.
>     * It then begins to move all of that nodes data on a per file space
>       basis, i.e. each file space will get its own process.
>     * If there are more processes available then there are file space
>       for the node with the most data then it will start to move the
>       node with the second most data, again a file space at a time.
>     * It will move all the nodes data before it re-evaluates its
>       threshold values.  Therefore, once all the nodes data is moved it
>       looks at the threshold and if it needs to continue migrating then
>       it selects the node with the most data and start to move it.
>     * This continues until the low threshold is achieved.
>     * Therefore, it is possible for you to adjust the values and have
>       migration continue for sometime, even to the point of emptying the
>       pool beyond the low threshold value!  Or it may stop right away
>       depending one the situation.
> Reclamation of Primary Pools (note copy pools are discussed below)
>     * When a reclamation value is adjusted down to trigger reclamation a
>       list of tapes to be reclaimed is generated (visible in activity
>       log) and these are the tapes to be reclaimed.
>     * ITSM will start processing the tapes on the list.  Each tape in
>       this reclamation will be a separate process.
>     * After completing a tape ITSM will re-evaluate the reclamation
>       threshold and decide whether to continue.
>     * Therefore, for primary storage pools you may in fact see the
>       reclamation process end without completing all the tapes on the
>       list, but it will not end (unless you cancel it) until the current
>       tape has finished reclaiming.
> Reclamation of Copy Pools
>     * The process is similar for copy pools but it is different.  The
>       big difference is that it process all the tapes at one time!
>     * When reclaiming copy pool tapes that are off site it uses a
>       primary copy of the data that is local.  In order to improve the
>       reclamation process ITSM will mount the primary tape and move all
>       the NECESSARY files off that primary tape once it is mounted even
>       if it means it is in fact reclaiming files from 2 or more
>       different tapes.  By doing this, there is no longer the concept of
>       reclaiming a single copy pool tape it is in fact reclaiming all
>       eligible tapes at once!
>     * Therefore, when you adjust the reclamation threshold upwards it
>       will not stop the reclamation of copy pool tapes.  They only way
>       that process ends is for it to finish all the tapes or you cancel it.
> Again I will reiterate, I have not seen the code for any of these
> processes, but I have through observation and through printed material
> deduced this as being the methodology that ITSM is using.  I am open to
> others observations if they are different then mine.  I wish that IBM
> would just clearly state what the algorithm truly is.
> BTW, there are many techniques that have been talked about on this list
> as ways of scripting around some of these difficulties.
> Good Luck and I hope this helped clear things up.
> --
> Regards,
> Mark D. Rodriguez
> President MDR Consulting, Inc.
> ===============================================================================
> MDR Consulting
> The very best in Technical Training and Consulting.
> IBM Advanced Business Partner
> SAIR Linux and GNU Authorized Center for Education
> IBM Certified Advanced Technical Expert, CATE
> AIX Support and Performance Tuning, RS6000 SP, TSM/ADSM and Linux
> Red Hat Certified Engineer, RHCE
> ===============================================================================
> Roger Deschner wrote:
> >That's not right. I just proved it, inadvertently.
> >
> >I wanted to deliberately empty out a Disk Storage Pool. I had set
> >lowmig=0 highmig=0 migprocess=4 and it had dutifully mounted 4 tapes and
> >started emptying things out in a hurry.
> >
> >Then 10:00 came, and a daily schedule I had set months ago to shut down
> >migration at that time, happened, and set it to highmig=75 lowmig=25.
> >(Classic self-inflicted foot-shooting.) The effect was to cancel all of
> >the migration processes, even though the storage pool was still 10%
> >full. These process cancelations took effect when each process reached
> >the end of the current file, so they didn't all happen at once although
> >it was fairly quick. Fortunately all the tapes were still mounted so I
> >got them started again quickly. But what I proved (again) was that
> >Migration will stop as soon as you change the thresholds, not when the
> >original lowmig has been reached.
> >
> >If you are seeing something different, I wonder if your client nodes
> >are backing up very large individual files?
> >
> >Reclamation is different from migration. While it does not work on a
> >pre-built list, you are correct that it continues until the end of the
> >volume it is currently reclaiming. Once a reclamation process finishes
> >work on a volume, then the server examines the thresholds all over again
> >to see if it wants to reclaim another tape. So if the reclamation
> >threshold for that storage pool has been changed, it will take effect at
> >that time - at the end of the volume currently being processed, not
> >after all volumes in some list have been processed. As a result, if you
> >are doing this on some schedule, and you need the tape drives at a
> >particular time for something else such as database backup, you can
> >either change the reclamation theshold several hours in advance, or
> >develop an OS script to query the process, parse the result, and cancel
> >it by process number. Even then, the reclamation process cancelation
> >will not take effect until the end of the file currently being
> >processed.
> >
> >The strategy I use to make sure I get the tape drives for database
> >backup at the scheduled time, is to run migration between reclamation
> >and DB backup, since migration can stop itself and free the drives
> >pretty quickly, in contrast to reclamation.
> >
> >Roger Deschner      University of Illinois at Chicago     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >======I have not lost my mind -- it is backed up on tape somewhere.=====
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >>Date:      Jan 04, 09:45
> >>From:      Wheelock, Michael D <nobody at>
> >>
> >>Hi,
> >>
> >>When you start reclamation it begins a process and decides which tapes
> >>it is going to reclaim based on the value given.  These tapes can be
> >>seen in the activity log of the server.  It will continue to reclaim
> >>until it has reclaimed all of the tapes in the list or you cancel the
> >>reclamation process. =20
> >>
> >>I have seen similar behavior in the migration process as well.  If you
> >>set a storage pool to migrate (ie. By setting high=3D0 and low=3D0) then =
> >>it
> >>will empty it out. If you subsequently reset the values (and the storage
> >>pool is now above the low value and below the high value) it will
> >>continue to migrate all of the data out.
> >>
> >>The migration_stop is there to set up the storage pools for the next
> >>day's backup.  The reclamation stop doesn't seem to be terribly useful.
> >>
> >>I set my storage pools to a decent value all of the time (something like
> >>rec=3D90).  Then on weekends (usually Friday afternoon) I set it to
> >>something deeper (currently rec=3D75 especially for the storage pools on
> >>the remote server). =20
> >>
> >>Michael Wheelock
> >>Integris Health
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>-----Original Message-----
> >>From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L AT VM.MARIST DOT EDU] On 
> >>Behalf Of
> >>Tyree, David
> >>Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 8:18 AM
> >>Subject: strange reclaimation behavor
> >>
> >>           I have something strange going on with my reclaimations. I
> >>have
> >>the system issue a command in the afternoons to start reclaiming tapes
> >>by
> >>dropping the levels to 60%. I then have it issue another command around
> >>midnight to raise the levels back to 100%.
> >>
> >>           When I get here in the morning I will usally find that
> >>reclaiming is still going on. I have verified that the stop_reclaim
> >>scripts
> >>are actually running by looking at the actlog for the time period
> >>involved.
> >>I end up doing a cancel process to get it to stop.
> >>
> >>           I could understand it still running if it was in the middle
> >>of a
> >>50-60 gig file but it's only moving small (several meg) files. It's had
> >>about eight hours to stop on it's own. I would have thought it would
> >>have
> >>found an opertunity to stop after eight hours.
> >>
> >>           The contents of all of the scripts involved are correct. I
> >>have
> >>one starting the tapepool and another to start the copypool and another
> >>couple to raise the level back up. I alternate different pools each
> >>night.
> >>
> >>           Any ideas here?
> >>
> >>I'm running 5.2.2 on a Win2k server with 4 LTO2 drives in a PV136T
> >>library.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>David Tyree
> >>Enterprise Backup Administrator
> >>South Georgia Medical Center
> >>229.333.1155
> >>
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