Cool. I almost over looked this post because previously posted subject was
"query bulk i/o".
Looks like however still need some manipulation to get the i/o list.  I
guess sometimes that's the only way to go.

Thanks for sharing.

Sung Y. Lee

             Mark Bertrand                                             
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                         
             UNWIRED.COM>                                               To
             Sent by: "ADSM:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]            
             Dist Stor                                                  cc
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                     Subject
             .EDU>                     I/O Status (using lbtest)       
             12/17/2004 12:12                                          
             Please respond to                                         
             "ADSM: Dist Stor                                          
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                         

While we wait for 5.3.....

OK here is what I found in my adventures to automate the status of my 10
slot I/O of my 3584.

I am no expert, just wanted to share. Also, my environment is W2K, TSM
I have read all the postings on this subject and here is what I found.
Richard Cowen had posted the best document associated with this tool, here: period. Richard credits
Joel Fuhrman of the document.

In my experience I could not get return_lib_inventory to work. I tried
everything with no luck.
SYNTAX: return_lib_inventory dno=  sno=  eeno=  tno=
e.g. return_lib_inventory dno=2 sno=3 eeno=1 tno=1 Where dno = number of
drives sno = number of storage slots eeno = number of entry/exit ports tno
number of transport elements

So I just used return_lib_inventory_all and used grep to pull out only the
I/O slot info, no big deal.

OK, so here is the meat of the script, I am sure any of you reading this
write some cool stuff around this to meet your needs.

First to launch lbtest in batch mode use -dev for device name input, which
found using the TSM MMC plugin on my Windows server under TSM Device Drive.
Reports, Device Information.
Also use the -f for the batch part of the script, this is what tells lbtest
what to do once it is launched. Don't worry about specifying an output
this will automatically use lbtest.out in the launched from directory. Also
great for troubleshooting syntax problems.

cd c:\Program Files\tivoli\tsm\Server
lbtest -dev lb0.1.0.1 -f

Here is the .in file
command open $D
command return_elem_count
command return_lib_inventory_all
command close

Even though you specify the device, you still need to open it using the
command open. I used $D which is an acceptable variable. Don't forget to
close when complete. If the script fails then you will need to enter lbtest
in manual mode and close the device. Also, if you make any changes to your
.in file, you must completely exit the lbtest app before it will read the

That's it, put that in a batch file, use a couple of redirects > to an out
file a few greps, awks and if statements with a command line mail utility
and you can do some pretty cool stuff.

I will now have it check the I/O for tapes before checkout, also run a
little batch file on schedule to send me an email when full. This is great
for those of us admins who are our whole TSM shop.

Let me know directly if you need more detail, but I think this is just
it. I know lbtest can do much more, but this met my needs, the link to the
document from Richard and Joel was a big help.

Thanks all for getting me pointed in the right direction.
Mark Bertrand

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