
TSM v5.2.0 on Windows 2000
STK L40 - 2 x IBM LTO-1 drives
20 Windows, 2 UNIX v5.2.0 Clients

I have a question about how MOVE DATA works. On a remote location (which I 
manage from the net) I have to empty tapes, because I don't have enought 
scratch tapes. I move data from 000001 (STKL40COPYPOOL) to the STKL40COPYPOOL 
(the same copypool) and the data must go to the FILLING tape of the pool - 

But TSM asks first the 000017 tape for a 3 min and shows it as the input tape 
(from query procedure) and 000055 as output tape. After that dismounts 000017 
and mounts 000001 and begins to move the data.

The command I see from actlog (I use the Web interface) is 


So why did it ask 000017 ? I have some of the tapes (from the copypool) out of 
the library and sometimes the MOVE DATA procedure hits a tape which is out, I 
am not there to put the tape inside and I have to cancel. How can I understand 
if the tape to move will ask for another tape and which tape it will ask ?

Thanks alot !

Tuncel Mutlu


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