Here is the latest from the dsmerror.log

12/02/2004 14:33:04 (TSAFS.NLM 6.50.11 314) All resource names are
already scanned, or none were found.
12/02/2004 14:33:58 (TSAFS.NLM 6.50.11 314) All resource names are
already scanned, or none were found.
12/02/2004 14:33:58 (TSAFS.NLM 6.50.11 314) All resource names are
already scanned, or none were found.
12/02/2004 14:33:58 PrivIncrFileSpace: Received rc=131 from
fioGetDirEntries:  V005:
12/02/2004 14:33:58 ANS1028S Internal program error.  Please see your
service representative.
12/02/2004 14:33:58 ANS1512E Scheduled event '@429' failed.  Return
code = 12.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/2/2004 10:57:07 AM >>>
On Dec 2, 2004, at 11:45 AM, Mark Hayden wrote:

> ...ANS1028S Internal program error.  Please see your
> service representative....

Mark - Check your client dsmerror.log and TSM server Activity Log
        for further indications of the problem.

   Richard Sims

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