
Trying to access my TSM client (5.2.3 on Windows XP Pro SP2) remotely via
Web Client.   Have TSM Acceptor and Remote Client Agent services running on
client mycomputer.

Read Andy's message and reference to SP2 firewall.  Have firewall on,
dsmcad exception enabled.

From remote client, http://mycomputer:1581 and Java gives me the TSM
backup client GUI.  Click Backup ....wait.... then ... "ans2609s
communications failure between the browser and the client machine"

At mycomputer, dsmerror.log " Error -50 sending ht request" and "Error
writing to http socket."

In dsmwebcl "(dsmcad) ANS3006I Processing request for the TSM Web Client

On mycomputer, turn off firewall.  At remote client, launch http TSM backup
client GUI, click Backup, prompted to login to TSM server.  I use
mycomputer, and password, and everything is working.

I have a "mycomputer" admin account registered on TSM server with client
owner privilege over mycomputer.

Can anyone shed light on why this is failing at authentication through my
firewall (with dsmcad.exe exception enabled)?

Thank you. John

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