Need more help with this. Still cant get past the error. Here is some
information from the logs and the person setting things up:

"The server is a Windows Server 2003.  IIS 6 is installed.  In addition,
it is a Sharepoint Services Server.  It also serves as a back end to
Microsoft Project Server...MS SQL 2000 sp3a.  The application, Project
Server, also requires Analysis Service. I've manipulated the SQL
permissions and NTFS permissions to no avail."

12/01/2004 11:43:07
12/01/2004 11:43:07 Request                       : FULL BACKUP
12/01/2004 11:43:07 Database Input List           : -
12/01/2004 11:43:07 Group Input List              : -
12/01/2004 11:43:07 File Input List               : -
12/01/2004 11:43:07 Number of Buffers             : 3
12/01/2004 11:43:07 Buffer Size                   : 1024
12/01/2004 11:43:07 Number of SQL Buffers         : 0
12/01/2004 11:43:07 SQL Buffer Size               : 1024
12/01/2004 11:43:07 Number of Stripes specified   : 1
12/01/2004 11:43:07 Estimate                      : -
12/01/2004 11:43:07 Truncate Log?                 : -
12/01/2004 11:43:07 Wait for Tape Mounts?         : Yes
12/01/2004 11:43:07 TSM Options File              : C:\Program
12/01/2004 11:43:07 TSM Nodename Override         : -
12/01/2004 11:43:07 Sqlserver                     : UCCTEAM
12/01/2004 11:43:07
12/01/2004 11:43:08 Backup of model failed.
12/01/2004 11:43:08 ACO5402E The Virtual Device Set could not be created.
12/01/2004 11:43:08 Total SQL backups selected:               1
12/01/2004 11:43:08 Total SQL backups attempted:              1
12/01/2004 11:43:08 Total SQL backups completed:              0
12/01/2004 11:43:08 Total SQL backups excluded:               0
12/01/2004 11:43:08 Total SQL backups inactivated:            0
12/01/2004 11:43:08 Throughput rate:                          0.00 Kb/Sec
12/01/2004 11:43:08 Total bytes transferred:                  0
12/01/2004 11:43:08 Elapsed processing time:                  0.02 Secs
12/01/2004 11:43:08 ACO0151E Errors occurred while processing the request.

Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
11/29/2004 03:12 PM
Please respond to
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Re: MS-SQL TDP return code - error


You need to examine the log file or output of Data Protection for SQL.
RC=1912 means a VDS creation error. This happens when
Data Protection for SQL has asked to create a VDI connection
to the SQL Server in order to perform a backup or restore,
and the creation failed. The VDI error log and or SQL Server
log may also provide more information on why this creation failed.

If this is the first time running this on this machine,
it is most likely a permissions issue. If this was working
and then stopped and has not corrected itself, then something
else may be going on. In the latter case, a trace will
provide additional information.




"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 11/29/2004
02:52:18 PM:

> Can someone help interpret this error we are receiving when trying to
> backup, via the MS-SQL TDP:
> 11/29/2004 14:34:02  ANE4991I (Session: 74857, Node: TEAM.UCC.VCU.EDU)
>                       MSSQL Win32 ACO3000 Data Protection for SQL:
> Starting
>                       full backup of database ProjectServer from server
>                       UCCTEAM. (SESSION: 74857)
> 11/29/2004 14:34:02  ANE4993E (Session: 74857, Node: TEAM.UCC.VCU.EDU)
>                       MSSQL Win32 ACO3002 Data Protection for SQL: full
> backup
>                       of database ProjectServer from server UCCTEAM
> failed, rc
>                       = 1912. (SESSION: 74857)
> Where can I find the explaination for the "1912" rc ?

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