How do I combine these two scripts?   I want to be able to see a breakdown
by stg pools  & breakdown of  scratch/privates in the stgpools.

select status, count(*) from libvolumes where library_name = 'LTOLIB'
group by status

I have this..but, I really want to see the scratch/private breakdown?

select stgpool_name, status, scratch, count(*) as "Volumes" -
from volumes -
group by status, scratch, stgpool_name

STGPOOL_NAME           STATUS                 SCRATCH Volumes
------------------     ------------------     ------------------
APIDR1                 EMPTY                  YES     2
BCBSDR2                EMPTY                  YES     1
APIDR1                 FILLING                YES    13
APIDR2                 FILLING                YES    12


Operating Sys - AIX

Nancy Backhaus
Enterprise Systems
Office: (716) 887-7979
Cell: (716)  609-2138

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