STRANGE THING HAPPENEING !!!!!!!!! I was taking selective backups of all the database, not using /loggedonly.
Now I started to take incremental backups of the system using the sample file provided with TDP lotus installation. I deleted the filespace from server to start afresh in backups ofLotus. Now when i start the backup as scheduler... the return code is 1, and the backup fails without initiating the backup? Whats happeneing here?????? when i started the incremental using GUI.. it worked fine. There is something that I want you to know: I have a schedule that runs on port 1502 for system backup with one dsm.opt file located in baclient folder .. the same port for the nodename is specified on server.. scheduler restarted.. The second is 1503 that uses dsm.opt located in domino directory using different nodename, server and schedule updated to use dsm.opt file in this directory with appropriate port number. The third one uses dsm-me.opt in schedule and uses different nodename for month end backups. Kind Regards, Sandra Sandra wrote: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > Subject: Re: TDP for Lotus -- Right Policy > Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2004 10:37:19 -0800 > From: Eduardo Esteban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Reply-To: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > Some answers to your questions: > > 1. After you run compact, the incremental will do a full backup of all > your > logged databases. If you run the inactivatelog command afterwards, > all the transaction logs required to recover those databases will > be inactivated. Your management policy will determine the fate of > those logs. If you don't run compact, make sure to run selective, so > that the inactivatelog command can inactivate logs. > > 2. Version changes still apply after DBIID changes. The incremental > will mark the previous backup as inactive and your management > policy will determine how many and for how long these will be kept. > > 3. The Domino server knows which log extents have been backed > up and it reuses them. When the Domino server start it creates > a formatted set of log extent files (.TXN). When the server uses up > all of them, it either creates a new one ,if none of the log extents > have been archived, or reuses the oldest log extents by renaming > the file to the next log extent number. > > Eduardo > > "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 11/03/2004 > 09:52:09 AM: > > > Dear All, > > Sorry to popup again with a new thing .. as i went through the > > documentation and > > list archive, and web searches.. i could not find what i was looking > for. > > > My Lotus is on windows 2000 and i am using selective backups currently > for > > entire database (70GB). > > > What I am going to do: > > 1- Taking incremental daily. > > 2- Doing archivelog daily. > > 3- Doing inactivate log daily. > > > 4- Doing compaction of all the database on Sunday morning. (Space > > constraint on > > hard disk) > > 5- Doing incremental backups and archivelog there after till next > sunday. > > > 6- I don't think i need to take selective backups monthly or weekly > > or whatever. > > > What is my problem that i foresee: > > > 1- If i am going to run compaction every sunday, i end up with so > > many databses > > with different DBIIDs all with their respective transaction logs. > > 2- If I want to delete backups taken 3 months ago, how do I do that? > Since no > > version policy applies here after DBIID changes. > > 3- If Transaction Logs deletion. > > ---- As I was going through the list archive, I fond somewhere saying > ... > > TDP forLotus tells lotus server that certain archive logs have been > > backedup, so > > lotus can delete or whatever those transaction log file. > > ?????? here is it right, if yes then how does that delete those > > transaction log files? ?????? > > ????? if it is not right, then how do i go about deleting > > archivelogs that have been backedup??? (definitely i m not running in > circular > > logging). > > > > > OR OR OR OR > > > What strategy should I follow???? > > > Please enlighten me in this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! > darknesssssssssss > > !!!!!!!!!!!!!! > > > Kind Regards, > > Sandra