I haven't seen this whole thread so I bet it was brought up but remember that both the 
NIC's and the switch connections should be set to link and line speed. So if it is 100 
FULL then set everything to 100 FULL including the switch ports. Anything at AUTO AUTO 
will give you problems.

John Naylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Mike Hagery
>Last week we did a restore of 15 MB and 4000 small html-files.
>The performance was bad, it took 57 minutes to restore the
>4000 html-files and 15 MB.
>The back-up is very fast. FTP between client and server is
>also fast. A restore of a big(ger) file is no problem.
>Collocation is on and data is only on one tape. During restore
>we see no mediawaits, so that's not the problem.

If you really want to nail this down
Move the data off the tape onto disk and do the restore again
If its no faster, its not the tape and you need to be looking at things at
the client end
If its a lot faster its almost certainly the fact that there is a lot of
data and files on the tape (guess ) and your 4000 small files
are not neatly in one place but splattered randomly.


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