I have an ongoing problem that I have not been able to crack.

I issue a 'cancel ses all' at 6:55 and 7:00 AM M-F, and for backup that are
till running, they get canned and all is well.

Ok, not really, but as well as they will be.

My problem is I am having the same type of message showing up in the client
log of SOME of my client machines apparently ANYWHERE in the backup process
during the evening/night.

Last night I had about 1/3 of my clients fail to complete the backups due to
this, and this happens about one or two times a week.

Has anyone else seen / experienced / heard of such a thing?

Solutions options? ... Guesses? ... Condolences? ... TIA, Jack

(server win2K TSM, most clients Win2003 server with TSM 5.1.6

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