Just one more tip.

You will probably need to increase commtimeout and idletimeout in dsmserv.opt (server 

By IBM support we have commtimeout=120 (seconds) and idletimeout=30 (minutes). Those 
values are mostly based on experience.

When you start playing with those parameters watch for ANR0481 and ANR0482 messages in 
server activity log and fine tune it again.

Joe Crnjanski
Infinity Network Solutions Inc.
Phone: 416-235-0931 x26
Fax:     416-235-0265
Web:  www.infinitynetwork.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Warren, Matthew (Retail) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 6:49 AM
Subject: Re: Tips on backing up over slow networks please

Hi Neil,

I'd agree with John, having had to try similar things myself. In the
end, its down to how big your pipes are and how much data needs to get
through them. This is a situation where clearly identifying important
data and restore requirements may help to limit the data being sent
through to TSM. Other options could go along the lines of backing up on
alternate days etc..


-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Neil Sharp
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 4:04 PM
Subject: Tips on backing up over slow networks please

Has anybody has experience with backing up over slow N/W's (min. 256k)?

Unfortunately the clients are NOT Windows boxes so I can not use
backup or journaling features. Currently I am not aware of the daily
change rate of data on each system. My initial thoughts are to perform a
staggered initial backup and then once complete implement a daily
incremental backup. Things that I am looking for would be advice on the
best performance tuning parameters to use.

Thanks in advance


Technical Support & TSM Consultant

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