On Tue, Oct 26, 2004 at 01:57:57PM -0500, Stapleton, Mark wrote:

> >> I have taken backup of oracle database using TDP for oracle. The
> Data backed up through the TSM API does not show up in QUERY FILESPACE
> commands.

The TDP for Oracle does create filespaces that show up in QUERY FILESPACE.

Even better than that, you can use the standard command line client to restore
individual backup pieces to a filesystem:

dsmc restore -virtualnode=TDP_ORACLE_NODE -pick /fsname/\* ./

If you restore the files (or symlink) to where RMAN expects them to be (as
seen in the RMAN "list backup" command), you only have to allocate an RMAN
channel of type DISK and RMAN will find the backup pieces where it expects

This might come in handy if you want to duplicate or restore a
not-too-large Oracle database to a host where you don't have the TDP for
Oracle installed.

(Of course, this is probably totally unsupported. :-) )
Jurjen Oskam
"I often reflect that if "privileges" had been called "responsibilities" or
"duties", I would have saved thousands of hours explaining to people why
they were only gonna get them over my dead body." - Lee K. Gleason, VMS sysadmin

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