select volume_name from libvolumes where status='Scratch' Debra I. Wagy PHONE:(314)252-6443 Storage Management & Recovery TIE-LINE: 513-6443 UNIX Design and Implementation MC: S306-6270 IBM Global Services EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sandra <[EMAIL PROTECTED] K> To Sent by: "ADSM: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Dist Stor cc Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject .EDU> To know what are empty scratch volumes in a pool 10/26/2004 01:35 PM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" Dear All, Please give me the knowledge of a query that can give me the names of tapes, that in my scratch pool. I know there are 3 tapes that are scratch, but i don't know the volume labels. What command would give me the volume labels for those tapes? Kind Regards, Sandra
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