Joni, I think DEMO_EXPIRED is prett
Joni Moyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 26/10/2004 12:36 Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc Subject ANR9999D Hello All! I am getting a very bizarre message and I was just wondering if anyone has ever seen this before? The TSM server is on AIX 5.2 and is at level We have ACSLS 7.1 and EDT 6.4.6. Just yesterday I had been able to mount tapes, but this morning I tried to do a DB backup and it failed with the following message. I do have temp license keys and I was wondering if this could be an expiration of the license or if this is a TSM issue or a server issue? Thanks in advance! 10/26/04 07:05:56 ANR9999D mmsext.c(2195): ThreadId<17> Invalid response fr om exit (DEMO_EXPIRED). Callchain of previous message: 0 x0000000100017a04 outDiagf <- 0x00000001005602c8 ExtHand leTextResults <- 0x000000010055f5e4 ExtSendMount <- 0x00 0000010055ffb4 ExtMount <- 0x0000000100560eb8 ExtMountVo lume <- 0x000000010023a76c MmsMountVolume <- 0x000000010 0667804 LtoOpen <- 0x00000001000e750c AgentThread <- 0x0 000000100007fc8 StartThread <- 0x09000000002f9244 _pthre ad_body <- (SESSION: 721, PROCESS: 46) 10/26/04 07:05:56 ANR8769E External media management function MOUNT returned result=**Undefined**. (SESSION: 721, PROCESS: 46) 10/26/04 07:05:56 ANR9999D icstream.c(1654): ThreadId<28> Error 87 opening output stream. Callchain of previous message: 0x00000001 00017a04 outDiagf <- 0x0000000100674290 OpenOutputStream <- 0x0000000100675500 IcOpenOutputStream <- 0x000000010 06729f8 IcStreamThread <- 0x0000000100007fc8 StartThread <- 0x09000000002f9244 _pthread_body <- (SESSION: 721, PROCESS: 46) 10/26/04 07:05:57 ANR9999D icback.c(386): ThreadId<27> Backup rc=6. Callcha in of previous message: 0x0000000100017a04 outDiagf <- 0 x0000000100678620 IcBackupThread <- 0x0000000100007fc8 S tartThread <- 0x09000000002f9244 _pthread_body <- (SESS ION: 721, PROCESS: 46) 10/26/04 07:05:57 ANR4581W Database backup/restore terminated - internal se rver error detected. (SESSION: 721, PROCESS: 46) ******************************** Joni Moyer Highmark Storage Systems Work:(717)302-6603 Fax:(717)302-5974 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ******************************** ********************************************************************** The information in this E-Mail is confidential and may be legally privileged. It may not represent the views of Scottish and Southern Energy Group. It is intended solely for the addressees. Access to this E-Mail by anyone else is unauthorised. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful. Any unauthorised recipient should advise the sender immediately of the error in transmission. Scottish Hydro-Electric, Southern Electric, SWALEC and S+S are trading names of the Scottish and Southern Energy Group. **********************************************************************