
The relocate dialog box could be empty if the meta
data objects have migrated to tape and you have the
checkbox turned off for waiting for tape mounts for file info.
(The default is off.) If this happens, it may also mean that
you should revisit your management class information.
You should send your meta data objects, for Data Protection
for SQL backups to disk-only storage pools so that the
file information (physical and logical database information)
is always kept on disk and is viewable without mounting tapes.
The Data Protection for SQL User's Guide tells you
how to set this up.

Also, to get to a certain restore point, you need to restore
the full backup and only 1 differential backup (the one that
puts you to the point that you want to restore to.)
Don't confuse differential backups with incremental backups.
There are good descriptions in the SQL Server Books Online
that will explain the backup types and how to use them.
The Data Protection for SQL User's Guide also discusses them
in relation to TSM, but the more in-depth discussions
are in Microsoft's SQL Server Books Online.



"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 10/21/2004
10:31:01 AM:

> Done this and finally got it to work.
> One question I would like to ask though is that what would cause the
> relocate dialogue box to be empty ?
> this may have been the reason for my problems yesterday.
> Is it also correct that after restoring the full backup you then need to
> restore the diffs one by one until you reach the point in time you want
> restore to. And then when restoring this final diff you make sure that
> recovery option is set, thus making the database available after the
> restore has completed.

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