I'm interested too.

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 1:53 PM
Subject: Re: TDP Oracle Restore

Great !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pawel.

Yes please do send me the script and other procedures that you are using.
My scenario is to backup database on live machine and restore it on the
machine on daily basis.

1- How do I know the backupset number, as when i used tdposync, it shows the
files backedup?

2- Please correct me if i m wrong, tdposync command deactivates the
that we select, and these are then marked for deletion?

Kindest regards

Pawel Wozniczka wrote:

> >Question is :
> >when i go about restore, how would i know which backup is being
> the
> >active backup?? what would i need to do to restore any inactive backup??
> Hello
> As far as I know "rman" always uses the latest available backupsets, and
> there is no official and supported way to restore previous versions of a
> database.
> But, as usually, there is a trick that makes is possibile, I use it quite
> frequently in order to test & verify my oracle-tdp backups.
> The trick is based on the fact that if the "rman" finds that the latest
> backupsets are marked "unavailable" it will search its database backwards
> until available backupsets are found and those backupsets will be used for
> restore operations.
> To summarize:
> a) change status of  the rman backupsets that You do NOT want to be used
> unavailable (change backupset xxx unavailable)
> b) restore database
> c) change status of the rman backupsets that were modified in step "a"
> to available (change backupset xxx available)
> To make it easier I created a shell/rman script. (It's strongly hard-coded
> to my environment, but with a little effort can be adjusted to be useful
> other environments).
> Please let me know whether You are interested, if yes I can send that
> and try to assist in customizing it.
> kind regards
> Pawel W.

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