
I've faced this kind of problem before, and the only way I found getting the password 
validated was to delete the (already) stored passwords from the client. This can be 
made by deleting all files located under /etc/security/adsm.
Then you'll get to reinitialize them, whether using tdpipswd utility, or issuing a 
"dmc q fi" command, which will ask you for your node_name and your password.
Hope this helped !


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-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Richard 
Sent: Wednesday, 20 October, 2004 17:43
Subject: Registering client for Informix data protection setup


I'm trying to setup the Informix Data Protection client on an AIX 5.1 64-bit machine. 
I'm following the Data Protection for Informix Guide and I'm trying to register the 
client with the server but I keep getting the following :

root:stxqa> tdpipswd

*       TDP for Informix Backup                               *
* Password file initialization program                        *
*>> this must be run by the ROOT user if updating the value <<*
Enter your current password:
Enter your new password:
Enter your new password again:
*** Password change failed: ANS1025E (RC137)  Session rejected:
Authentication failure


I've setup another node called stxqa-tdp for the Informix client ( this client also 
has a node named stxqa which is currently being used for the daily data backups ). Any 
ideas ? I've checked the dsierror.log but it just has the same session authentication 
message . Any help would be appreciated.


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