On Oct 20, 2004, at 8:03 AM, hassan hani wrote:
we have a TSM server under AIX 5.1 and a client AIX under SAN network.
when we make a backup of the file sytem /main we get this message :
20.10.2004 05:54:46 fsCheckAdd: unable to add FS to server 20.10.2004 05:54:47 ANS1228E Sending of object '/main/*' failed 20.10.2004 05:54:47 ANS1301E Server detected system error
When posting, please include TSM server and client software levels. (Some problems are readily solved by software boosts.)
This is an obscure error, so you won't get many responses. I would inspect the Activity Log for that time period to look for some indication of the problem there. Beyond that, perform Query Filespace for that node and look for something suspicious with that file system name, and in the same theme check the client for any odd specs it may have influencing the processing of that file system (especially any Virtualmountpoint specs). If nothing turns up, start experimenting to probe the problem, as in doing 'dsmc archive /main/something' and/or 'dsmc selective /main/something' to see what works, what doesn't, and what results on the server.
Richard Sims