I'm running TSM 5.2.2 and AIX 5.1 64 bit. I see the
same error a few times a day. I'm going to check IBM
for any known problems and if there aren't any, open
an incident with IBM support.

Rod Hroblak

> Hi David!
> Ensure that the DEVICE parameter associated whit the
> library was idetified
> correctly in the DEFINE LIBRARY command, and that
> the library device is
> currently powered on and ready. If the library hes
> an access door, make sure
> it is closed.
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : ADSM: Dist Stor Manager
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] la part de
> David E Ehresman
> Envoyi : mercredi 6 octobre 2004 12:47
> Objet : 3494 library error codes
> I'm getting message:
>   ANR8301E I/O error on library 3494 (OP=004C6D32,
> CC=00000000). (SESSION: 470264)
> Any idea what that OP code is and where they are
> documented?
> 3494 library on TSM running on AIX 5.1 64
> bit
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