TSM-servers on AIX, 3494-library with 9 drives.
We already have a setup for library-sharing between two servers sharing one 3494-library with 9 drives. Now we are thinking of spliting one tsm-server in three logical tsm-servers and spread them also over three physical machines. So besides the already configured library-client, we want to configure two more library-clients on two different machines.
After I setup server-to-server communications, and want to define a shared library on the library-client; I get authentication errors.
On the library manager there was one other server defined. Now I defined a second one. On the library-clients I defined also an other-server (library-manager), on both library clients the same other-server definition for the library-manager, with the exception of the password.
Is it necessary to use the same serverpassword in all the other-server definitions on the library-client and -manager or can I f.i. use the cross-define option on the library-manager when defining an other-server for the client to communicate?
Any hints or tips are very welcome.
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