
        This is a voluntary group of TSM admins on a list, not an actual
support line or help desk. You can't coerce anybody to respond to your
questions. I know I float questions out there sometimes that get no
response. I assume it is either because of lack of interest or perhaps
nobody else has seen the same issues.

        I can only speak for myself, but in the case of this question,
what you're asking is a very fundamental question about the way that TSM
behaves: How management classes are set up, how they behave when files
are deleted/changed, how to apply management classes to files, etc. 

        These are the TSM basics and to explain them in and e-mail would
be time misspent when they are much better explained in the TSM
documentation. I find that folks in this list love to respond to the
more difficult/undocumented or hard to understand TSM functions, but
typically don't respond to things that can readily be found in the

        I would suggest you read up in the "Administrators Guide",
Chapter 12 "Implementing Policies for Client Data", and also in the TSM
client manual for the OS in question: i.e. "Windows - Backup-Archive
Clients Installation and User's Guide" and look for the section
"Creating an include-exclude list"

All the TSM manuals can be found online at:

        I know you are new to this and have been thrown into the TSM
world. If you have very critical issues you  ~must~ resolve and are not
getting a response from the list, you should go through IBM support
channels to resolve them.

Best of luck to you. I hope you get up to speed quickly,

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, October 02, 2004 10:25 AM
Subject: Re: Backup strategy - confused

Please discuss !!!


Sandra wrote:

> Dear List,
> 1-
> Where can I put the strategy to keep data fbackedup for say 18 months 
> or may be 1 year. Backup Grace Period or retain extra versions or 
> retain only version?
> 2-
> I am taking full backup of a system and want to achieve the following:

> correct me please I amy sound wrong here:
> a- Include.backup "/usr/abc/def/*" ABC-MANAGEMENT-CLASS1
> b- Include.backup "/opt/tivoli/tsm/*" TIVOLI-MANAGEMENT-CLASS2
> c- Include.image "/*" DEF-MANAGEMENT-CLASS3
> There is another managmeent class restofdata-management-class0 which i

> can make default one.
> Now, when I initiate normal incremental backup from schedule or GUI of

> client: what would happen? Please correct me:
> a- 2(a) will be appplied and the files in /usr/abc/def" folder will be
> to setting of  ABC-MANAGEMENT-CLASS1 management class.
> b- 2(b) will be applied to the folder /opt/tivoli/tsm/ and files will
> subjected to the management class TIVOLI-MANAGEMENT-CLASS2.
> c- Incremental backup will ignore include.image that is 2(c).
> d- The rest of the data will go to the default management class.
> 3-
> If I am going to initiate image backup, it will be subjected to the 
> management class of  DEF-MANAGEMENT-CLASS3, irrespective of any data 
> backedup by incremental backups.
> I wonder if I am going in the right direction or not? Please enlighten

> me !!
> Sandra

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