1. If you have access to the TSM server, you should be able to see what client version they are running. Try this... tsm> q node CCAPP01.LTC.WNYCHS.ORG f=d
2. These files aren't backed up because they are in use by the OS. Try using a client option set to exclude them from processing. Look at the output from the command "help define clo" and "help define clientopt" as well as page 290 of the TSM 5.2 AIX admin guide. (One note: Make sure you have the approval from your Windows system administrators before you go adding client option sets to their TSM configurations. Do your research and show them why these files don't need to be backed up. If they still don't agree, then you can possibly try using the TSM client open file agent, available in 5.2 and up. Just be advised, the open file agent is not yet the panacea that some would have you believe. Today, the only way I can get it to work is to put its cache file on its own drive letter. Look into the admin guide for the Windows TSM client for help setting this up.) 3. Search the adsm.org website for postings that list standard exclude lists for windows servers. These may be helpful in your situation. Just be sure to evaluate any exclude lists you get from the Internet with skeptical eye. Only use them as a guide. They may not fit exactly with your environment. Curtis Aaron Durkee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 09/23/2004 09:00 AM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc Subject windows client question Couple of questions about the tsm windows clients, have serveral nodes leaving what is pasted below in the server logs. Don't have access to all the win servers, so not sure of the client level. Wondering what can be done to clear these errors and if the windows client in a tsm envirnoment redbook is still a good resource for the 5.x windows clients. Greatfull for any input. TSM server on aix 5.1 ... 09/14/04 02:40:22 ther processANE4987E (Session: 1682, Node: CCAPP01.LTC.WNYCHS.ORG) Error processing '09/14/04 02:40:22 app01c$WINNTsystem32Perflib_Perfdata_4e8.dat': the object is in use by ano 09/14/04 02:40:22 ther processANE4987E (Session: 1682, Node: CCAPP01.LTC.WNYCHS.ORG) Error processing '09/14/04 02:40:22 app01c$WINNTsystem32Perflib_Perfdata_578.dat': the object is in use by ano 09/14/04 02:40:22 ther processANE4987E (Session: 1682, Node: CCAPP01.LTC.WNYCHS.ORG) Error processing '09/14/04 02:40:22 app01c$WINNTsystem32Perflib_Perfdata_698.dat': the object is in use by ano 09/14/04 02:40:23 ther processANE4987E (Session: 1682, Node: CCAPP01.LTC.WNYCHS.ORG) Error processing '09/14/04 02:40:23 app01c$WINNTsystem32configdefault': the object is in use by another proce 09/14/04 02:40:23 ssANE4987E (Session: 1682, Node: CCAPP01.LTC.WNYCHS.ORG) Error processing '09/14/04 02:40:23 app01c$WINNTsystem32configdefault.LOG': the object is in use by another p 09/14/04 02:40:35 rocessANE4987E (Session: 1682, Node: CCAPP01.LTC.WNYCHS.ORG) Error processing '09/14/04 02:40:35 app01c$WINNTsystem32configSAM': the object is in use by another processANE4987E (Session: 1682, Node: CCAPP01.LTC.WNYCHS.ORG) Error processing '09/14/04 02:40:35 app01c$WINNTsystem32configSAM.LOG': the object is in use by another proce 09/14/04 02:40:35 ssANE4987E (Session: 1682, Node: CCAPP01.LTC.WNYCHS.ORG) Error processing '09/14/04 02:40:35 app01c$WINNTsystem32configSECURITY': the object is in use by another proc 09/14/04 02:40:35 essANE4987E (Session: 1682, Node: CCAPP01.LTC.WNYCHS.ORG) Error processing '09/14/04 02:40:35 app01c$WINNTsystem32configSECURITY.LOG': the object is in use by another 09/14/04 02:40:35 processANE4987E (Session: 1682, Node: CCAPP01.LTC.WNYCHS.ORG) Error processing '09/14/04 02:40:35 app01c$WINNTsystem32configsoftware': the object is in use by another proc 09/14/04 02:40:43 essANE4987E (Session: 1682, Node: CCAPP01.LTC.WNYCHS.ORG) Error processing '09/14/04 02:40:43 app01c$WINNTsystem32configsoftware.LOG': the object is in use by another 09/14/04 02:40:43 processANE4987E (Session: 1682, Node: CCAPP01.LTC.WNYCHS.ORG) Error processing '09/14/04 02:40:43 app01c$WINNTsystem32configsystem': the object is in use by another processANE4987E (Session: 1682, Node: CCAPP01.LTC.WNYCHS.ORG) Error processing '09/14/04 02:40:43 app01c$WINNTsystem32configSYSTEM.ALT': the object is in use by another pr 09/14 Aaron Durkee [EMAIL PROTECTED] phone: (716) 862-1713 fax: (716) 862-1717 Networking and Telecomm Services Catholic Health System, Inc