True. Seek time is tiny compared to tape mounts.  I am just concerned that
the TSM db has to keep track of thousands of volume.  How much will it increase
the size of the db.  Ours is already 90G at 70% utilized.


> ==> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Eliza Lau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > What is the recommended volume size.  I have seen someone mentioned 5G, but
> > then the number of volumes will explode from about 800 (current # of 3590
> > primary tapes) to thousands.
> Consider, this doesn't really cost you much.  Seek time in a directory of
> thousands of files is still tiny compared to tape behavior.
> I probably wouldn't go as low as 5G, but 10G (much less than the average size
> of my 3590 vols) seems pretty reasonable to me.  20G is getting big, from my
> perspective.
> > How about keeping the staging space so clients backup to staging then
> > migrate to FILE volumes.  Then every volume will be filled up.
> I like this, too.
> - Allen S. Rout

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