Adrie, In a nutshell, the error that you are seeing from the sbtio.log is a telling sign that the object name that Oracle is giving to the file for that backup already exists on the TSM Server. Usually this is a result of the backup_piece name that Oracle generates is very long and the part of the name that should make the name unique is getting truncated so it looks like a duplicate name to TDP Oracle/TSM. Without seeing your Rman script for this backup I can only venture a guess but I think that you need to take a little more control over how the backup pieces are being named - you can control the naming (to a degree) that Rman/Oracle uses for it's backup_pieces, see the Rman User's guide on this subject.
Regards, Neil Rasmussen Software Development Data Protection for Oracle [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Tuyl Adrie, A.C. van" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 09/08/2004 02:44 AM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" To [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc Subject Oracle TDPO error SBT 2175 Dear Oracle and TSM specialists, We are trying to backup an Oracle database with Oracle TDPO for HP-UX. Installation as mentioned in the manual. We created a seperate tdpo node with backdelete yes. rman script works when creating files. When backing up to the TSM server we get the following error from the TDP: SBT-2175 08/04/2004 13:45:58 send2.cpp(650): sbtbackup(): Exit - tdpoQueryObj() failed. dsmHandle = 1, rc = 8 The log in TSM server does not show (me) problems, a connection from the TDP is made and data is sent. After that the connection is closed. What can be the problem here? TDPO logs and server logs added. Thanks, Adrie HP UX 11 Oracle 8.1.7.R4 TDPO 2.2.1 TSM server (w2k SP4) Output TDPO **************************************************************************** $ cat sbtio.log =========================================================== Tracing started for: ----------------------------------------------------------- Application Client : TDP Oracle HP Version : =========================================================== SBT-2175 08/04/2004 13:45:58 send2.cpp(650): sbtbackup(): Exit - tdpoQueryObj() failed. dsmHandle = 1, rc = 8 SBT-2175 08/04/2004 13:45:59 remove2.cpp(237): sbtremove2(): Exit - wrong state, dsmHandle = 1, state = 2 Server log ************************************************************** 04-08-2004 13:41:43 ANR2017I Administrator 18447 issued command: UPDATE NODE OWCX01 CLOPTSET=HP_SERVER CONTACT="WOZ Centraal" DOMAIN=HPUNIX COMPRESSION=YES AUTOFSRENAME=NO ARCHDELETE=YES BACKDELETE=YES FORCEPWRESET=NO KEEPMP=NO MAXNUMMP=5 URL=http://owcx01:1581 04-08-2004 13:41:43 ANR2063I Node OWCX01 updated. 04-08-2004 13:43:29 ANR0406I Session 25290 started for node OWCX01_ORCL (TDP Oracle HP) (Tcp/Ip 04-08-2004 13:47:00 ANE4991I (Session: 25290, Node: OWCX01_ORCL) TDP Oracle HP ANU0599 ANU2535I File /adsmorc//TMWB_8_1_533310141.bck = 2048000000 bytes sent 04-08-2004 13:47:00 ANR0406I Session 25291 started for node OWCX01_ORCL (TDP Oracle HP) (Tcp/Ip 04-08-2004 13:47:00 ANR0403I Session 25291 ended for node OWCX01_ORCL (TDP Oracle HP). 04-08-2004 13:47:00 ANR0403I Session 25290 ended for node OWCX01_ORCL (TDP Oracle HP). 04-08-2004 13:47:04 ANR0406I Session 25292 started for node OWCX01_ORCL (TDP Oracle HP) (Tcp/Ip 04-08-2004 13:47:05 ANR0403I Session 25292 ended for node OWCX01_ORCL (TDP Oracle HP). **************************************************************************** This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify [EMAIL PROTECTED] This footnote also confirms that this e-mail message has been checked by McAfee Groupshield for the presence of computer viruses. ****************************************************************************