Thanks for this. Interesting way of attacking it :)


-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Johnson, Milton
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 10:19 PM
Subject: Re: SQL Select statement help

You can create a script with the following select statements:
select stgpool_name,'1' as "Days Pending",count(*) as Total from volumes
where status='PENDING' -
        and cast((current_timestamp-PENDING_DATE)days as decimal)=1
group by stgpool_name where status='PENDING' -
        and cast((current_timestamp-PENDING_DATE)days as decimal)=1
group by stgpool_name 
select stgpool_name,'2' as "Days Pending",count(*) as Total from volumes
where status='PENDING' -
        and cast((current_timestamp-PENDING_DATE)days as decimal)=2
group by stgpool_name 
select stgpool_name,'3' as "Days Pending",count(*) as Total from volumes
where status='PENDING' -
        and cast((current_timestamp-PENDING_DATE)days as decimal)=3
group by stgpool_name 
select stgpool_name,'4' as "Days Pending",count(*) as Total from volumes
where status='PENDING' -
        and cast((current_timestamp-PENDING_DATE)days as decimal)=4
group by stgpool_name 
select stgpool_name,'>=5' as "Days Pending",count(*) as Total from
volumes where status='PENDING' -
        and cast((current_timestamp-PENDING_DATE)days as decimal)>=5
group by stgpool_name 

When you run it you get something like:

STGPOOL_NAME           Days Pending           TOTAL
------------------     ------------     -----------
COPYPOOL               1                         10
TAPEPOOL               1                          9

STGPOOL_NAME           Days Pending           TOTAL
------------------     ------------     -----------
COPYPOOL               2                         10
TAPEPOOL               2                         13

STGPOOL_NAME           Days Pending           TOTAL
------------------     ------------     -----------
COPYPOOL               3                         10
TAPEPOOL               3                         12

STGPOOL_NAME           Days Pending           TOTAL
------------------     ------------     -----------
COPYPOOL               4                         10
TAPEPOOL               4                         11

STGPOOL_NAME           Days Pending           TOTAL
------------------     ------------     -----------
COPYPOOL               >=5                        0
TAPEPOOL               >=5                        0

H. Milton Johnson
Voice: (210) 677-6728
-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Prather, Wanda
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 1:52 PM
Subject: Re: SQL Select statement help

I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think it's possible to do that.

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Warren, Matthew (Retail)
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 10:51 AM
Subject: SQL Select statement help

Hallo ([I]T/AD)SM'ers

Can any wise and clever SQL types help with the following?;

I am trying to get TSM to show the number of tapes that went pending by

I can get this;

ANS8000I Server command: 'select cast(pending_date as char(10)),count(*)
from volumes where status='PENDING' group by pending_date'

Unnamed[1]      Unnamed[2]
----------     -----------
2004-08-27               1
2004-08-27               1
2004-08-27               1
2004-08-28               1
2004-08-28               1
2004-08-28               1
2004-08-28               1
2004-08-28               1
2004-08-29               1
2004-08-29               1


but what I would like is for the count(*) to be totaling per day. I
hoped perhaps the cast() would force this to happen, but it appears the
underlying timestamp is still being taken into account. I have tried
various other permutations, along the lines of;

ANS8000I Server command: 'select cast(pending_date as char(10)) as
pending,count(*) from volumes where status='PENDING' group by pending'
ANR2940E The reference 'PENDING' is an unknown SQL column name.

         g,count(*) from volumes where status='PENDING' group by pending

but, alas, no joy.

I'm wondering if it is actually possible? - I know a little Ksh script
that can do it, but I was hoping to achieve it just within TSM - either
with a select as I am trying or via some other method.



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