Almost every submission since Tuesday.  In addition, about half of my
submissions haven't gotten the Acknowledgement Message from the list.

At 09:47 AM 8/27/2004 -0400, you wrote:
I've been getting these "rejected posting/identical text" messages also.
Is this happening to everyone?


-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Moses Show
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 5:30 AM
Subject: Fw: Rejected posting to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Your message is being returned to you unprocessed because it appears to have already been distributed to the ADSM-L list. That is, a message with identical text (but possibly with different mail headers) has been posted to the list recently, either by you or by someone else. If you have a good reason to resend this message to the list (for instance because you have been notified of a hardware failure with loss of data), please alter the text of the message in some way and resend it to the list. Note that altering the "Subject:" line or adding blank lines at the top or bottom of the message is not sufficient; you should instead add a sentence or two at the top explaining why you are resending the message, so that the other subscribers understand why they are getting two copies of the same message.

----- Message from "Moses Show" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Thu, 26 Aug
2004 17:25:25 +0100 -----
SQL database restore question
Hi people,
        Have been trying to restore a database to a different location on
a different server but am having problems. Was wondering if anyone can
shed any light as to where I am going wrong.

First I queried the TSM server for the fileinfo of the database I want to
restore from the new intended location as follows:

C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\TDPSql>tdpsqlc query TSM DWHPROD full
/fileinfo /fro
msqlserver=GBSTPF54 /tsmnode=GBSTPF54_SQL /tsmpassword=ntbackup

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases:
Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server
Version 5, Release 2, Level 1.0
(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1997, 2003. All rights reserved.

Restoring metadata ...

Waiting for TSM server.......................................................... ..........................................Backup Object Information -------------------------

SQL Server Name   ........................ GBSTPF54
SQL Database Name ........................ DWHPROD
Backup Object Type ....................... Full
Backup Object State ...................... Active
Backup Creation Date / Time .............. 25-08-2004 22:17:55
Backup Size .............................. 104,785,560,064
Database Object Name ..................... 20040825221755\00000998
Number of stripes in backup object ....... 1

SQL Group Logical Name ................... PRIMARY
SQL Group Space Allocated ................ 114,512,822,272
SQL Group Space Used ..................... 104,743,239,680
SQL File  Logical Name ................... DWH_Data
SQL File  Physical Name .................. E:\Microsoft SQL
SQL File  Space Allocated ................ 701,956,096
SQL File  Space Used ..................... 648,478,720
SQL File  Logical Name ................... DWH_1_Data
SQL File  Physical Name .................. E:\Microsoft SQL
SQL File  Space Allocated ................ 668,860,416
SQL File  Space Used ..................... 618,528,768
SQL File  Logical Name ................... DWH_2_Data
SQL File  Physical Name .................. E:\Microsoft SQL
SQL File  Space Allocated ................ 113,142,005,760
SQL File  Space Used ..................... 103,476,232,192

SQL Group Logical Name ................... TRANSACTION LOG
SQL Group Space Allocated ................ 17,093,885,952
SQL Group Space Used ..................... 16,693,812,224
SQL File  Logical Name ................... DWH_Log
SQL File  Physical Name .................. E:\Microsoft SQL
SQL File  Space Allocated ................ 105,906,176
SQL File  Logical Name ................... DHWPROD_Log
SQL File  Physical Name .................. F:\Microsoft SQL
SQL File  Space Allocated ................ 8,493,465,600
SQL File  Logical Name ................... DWHPROD_Log1
SQL File  Physical Name .................. E:\Microsoft SQL
SQL File  Space Allocated ................ 8,494,514,176

Using the information fro here I attempted to restore using the following
command and this is what happens

C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\TDPSql>tdpsqlc restore DWHPROD full
ta,DWH_Log /to=E:\Restore\DWHPROD.mdf,E:\Restore\DHWPROD_Log.LDF
GBSTPF54 /sqlserver=GBSTPT55 /tsmnode=GBSTPF54_SQL /tsmpassword=ntbackup

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases:
Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server
Version 5, Release 2, Level 1.0
(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1997, 2003. All rights reserved.

Starting Sql database restore...

Querying Tivoli Storage Manager server for a list of database backups,
please wa

Restoring metadata ...

Waiting for TSM server.......................................................... ............................................................................ .... ............. Beginning full restore of backup object DWHPROD, 1 of 1, to database DWHPROD Full: 0 Read: 0 Written: 0 Rate: 0.00 Kb/Sec Waiting for TSM server....................... Full: 1 Read: 3145728 Written: 6656 Rate: 0.22 Kb/Sec Restore of DWHPROD failed. [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]File 'F:\Microsoft SQL Server\MSS QL\DATA\DHWPROD_Log.LDF' is on a network device not supported for database files . [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]File 'DHWPROD_Log' cannot be rest ored to 'F:\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\DATA\DHWPROD_Log.LDF'. Use WITH MOVE to i dentify a valid location for the file. [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]RESTORE DATABASE is terminating a bnormally.

Total database backups inspected: 1 Total database backups requested for restore: 1 Total database backups restored: 0 Total database skipped: 0

Throughput rate:                                0.22 Kb/Sec
Total bytes transferred:                        6,656
Elapsed processing time:                        30.00 Secs

ACO0151E Errors occurred while processing the request.

Am I correct in believeing that the logical files in the primary group tie
up with the logical files in the Transaction log group from the tsm query
With the information supplied is it possible to restore by using the
groups, and would it be more straight forward than the way I have been
trying to do it ?

More importantly does this mean that the problem lies within SQL itself
rather than TDP for SQL ?

All help greatly received.

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The St. Paul Travelers e-mail system made this annotation on 08/27/2004,
05:31:18 AM.

Fred Johanson ITSM Administrator University of Chicago 773-702-8464

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