Rainer, Count your blessings.
I accidently - with a wild mouse - joined a date field to a text field in the MS Query tool connected to the ODBC connection and it brought down the entire TSM server on a "type mismatch error." That was TSM on AIX 5.2 ML-2. Tab Trepagnier TSM Administrator Laitram, L.L.C. Rainer Tammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 08/23/2004 10:44 AM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc: Subject: Re: New version Hello, I could confirm the ODBC problem. I tried this from a Win32 ODBC client to a AIX server. Access 2003 on Windows is hanging and the TSM server is on 100%... Bye Rainer Tammer Richard van Denzel wrote: >Patricia, > >I've got a customer running on AIX 5.1 ML4 and we've seen so far a >couple of strange TSM crashes and when the customer uses his ODBC coupling >then TSM goes haywire (100% CPU usage). > >So my advice, goto 5.2.2 and wait for the next patch version of 5.2.3 and >see what has been fixed. > >Richard. > > > > > >"LeBlanc, Patricia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >23-08-2004 15:11 >Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" > > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > cc: > Subject: New version > > >Is anyone using TSM Server v5.2.3 (AIX platform)? I'm upgrading from >TSM server5.1.1.6 and am wondering if any bugs have been found with this >version since it's so new. > > > >