Here is the output from that command. Looks pretty close on both. DEVCLASS_NAME GB/Tape ------------------ ------- 3494CLASS1 40.35 3494CLASS2 40.58
Sigh, John So you have about 2 gig of data that hasn't migrated over. Seems reasonable. The following query will tell you if you're getting the same amount of data on full tapes: tsm: ULTSM>select devclass_name,cast(avg(est_capacity_mb)/1024 as decimal(5,2)) as "GB/Tape" from volumes where status='FULL' group by devclass_name David >>> jdury AT DUQLIGHT DOT COM 8/23/2004 2:28:34 PM >>> Here is the output from that command. It looks pretty similar to me. I also checked compression for both local and remote libraries. All are on. We also run a job every night that deletes the dbb volhistory which allows only 2 days of retention. (del volhist type=dbb todate=today-2) STGPOOL_NAME: 3494LOCAL Unnamed[2]: 38531539 Unnamed[3]: 11776076.83 Unnamed[4]: 11886072.01 STGPOOL_NAME: 3494REMOTE Unnamed[2]: 38513745 Unnamed[3]: 11773755.03 Unnamed[4]: 11876887.56 These are all great suggestions which is why I asked here but I'm still at a complete loss. John The output from "select stgpool_name,sum(num_files),sum(logical_mb),sum(physical_mb) from occupancy group by stgpool_name" should give some indication of whether the same amount of stuff is getting to the remote storagepools. David >>> jdury AT DUQLIGHT DOT COM 8/23/2004 1:26:57 PM >>> We have 2 3494 tape libraries. One is local and the other is remote. The local one (3494LOCAL) receives all the data from the nightly backups as it gets migrated from disk. The remote one (3494REMOTE) is only used as the target of backing up the 3494LOCAL storage pool which gets done everyday during the day. 3494LOCAL has 577 library volumes in it. 3494REMOTE has 494 library volumes in it. Both tape libraries only have 3590K tapes in them. My problem is that 3494LOCAL has 62 scratch tapes available and 3494REMOTE has 207 scratch tapes in it. Reclamation runs daily and sets the same percentage (57) for both libraries. How can there be such a huge difference in the number of scratch tapes if both libraries should roughly have the same amount of data? It's making me a little nervous that 3494REMOTE doesn't have the same data or something somewhere is going wrong. Any ideas? Thanks, John