Bill, There must be residual data or partial steps that are causing the Domino logger code to think that logging is in effect.
My suggestion is to start with a fresh "alternate" server with clean directories. Follow the steps in the documented procedure from the beginning. It is difficult to figure out what is happening from the information provided without knowing which steps were done at what point. If you find that you are still having problems, please call IBM support. Thanks, Del ---------------------------------------------------- "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 08/20/2004 10:16:25 AM: > Del, > > I understand what your are saying; but know don't yet how to get round > this problem. > > > I had set up this alternate server a while ago and could and still > can restore > databases, activate and applying logs by following "procedures outlined in the > Appendix titled "Advanced restore procedures"". > > At kick off this how my Notes.ini looks:- > [Notes] > Directory=D:\Lotus\Domino\Data\Restoredbs (line modified) > TRANSLOG_Status=0 > TRANSLOG_Path=D:\Alternatelog (line modified) > TRANSLOG_MEDIAONLY=1 > (line inserted) > > also > > Domdsm.cfg was edited to reflect that "to use" notes.ini file which > resides in D:\Lotus\Domino\ALTERNATE_SERVER_RESTORE. > > > Maybe, I should mention that this Alternate Server also houses the > Transaction Logs > for the Production Server on Drive L:\ > and > the Domino Server Service on this Alternate Server is always stopped. > > Thanks > > Bill