Hi people,
        I have a burning question which hopefully somebody can provide an
answer to. Have been asked to backup SQL servers daily using TSM . The
details and instructions for how these backups are performed and any
characteristics are contained in the respective management class of the
policy set in the policy domain. I also need to backup these servers at
monthend and some every five weeks. What I am trying to find out is if it
is possible to have more than one backup copygroup under this management
class. The reason is because the period backups will have different
retention times to the dailys and possibly different retain only version

Is it feasible to create two separate backup copygroups to manage this ?
If so how would you get the server to differentiate between if a backup is
run daily or at the end of periods.

Once again any help would be gratefully received, examples would be even
more gratefully received.
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