No, no way to do it.  TSM is acting just as you've told it to do - use the
minimal number of tapes for the node.  You either need to turn off
collocation, or have a separate storage pool for the Oracle backups to go
to (new management class, at least, but we put the Oracle/TDP nodes in a
different domain all together) that is not collocated.

Nick Cassimatis

He who laughs last has a good backup.

             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                          To
             EDU.SA>                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]            
             Sent by: "ADSM:                                            cc
             Dist Stor                                                 
             Manager"                                              Subject
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]         Collocating and TDP for ORACLE  
             06/21/2004 02:15                                          
             Please respond to                                         
             "ADSM: Dist Stor                                          

Hi guys,
I have TSM server 5.1.5 with TDP 2.2.0 for ORACLE on AIX 5.1.5. I have 3494
tape library with 4 tape drives and I am using the collocating feature. the
DBA uses 4 channels on his script to do the backup
The problem is when I turn the collocating on , only one channel will do
the backup and the others will wait and when I turn it of all the 4
channels will backup at the same time.
Can anyone tell my if there is a way to backup the DB with 4 channels and
with collocating on?

Abdulaziz Almuammar

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