From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
Behalf Of David Nicholson
>As luck would have it, the nodes I moved were large file servers and my
>copy pool is not collocated. I probably have data spread across 600
>volumes. I think I'll pass on bringing them back....
>This is by no means a "new" frustration for many folks.  Any 
>idea why old
>big blue hasn't tried to add this functionality?  The process 
>of migrating
>data to new media is severely handicapped by the lack of flexibility to
>MOVE DATA across copy pools.
I used to think the same thing, but it occurred to me that, while there
is a one-to-one correspondence between a file in an copy pool and the
copy of the file in a primary pool, there is not necessarily a
one-to-one relationship in the other direction. You can run BACKUP
STGPOOL from a primary pool to any number of copy pools. 

Allowing a MOVE NODEDATA among multiple copy pools might prove to be
problematic, in that a relationship in the TSM database is built between
a backed-up file in a primary pool and its copy in a copy pool; this
relationship allows commands such as RESTORE VOLUME to work. It could be
that maintaining that relationship is problematic if you moved a file
from one copy pool to another, since not all copy pools carry files from
all primary pools.

The more I look into this, the more I am inclined to never use more than
one copy pool for any given TSM server.

Mark Stapleton

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