I have the following situation and I need a confirmation here. System
information is : TSM 5.2. on Windows 2000, TSM BA client  5.2. on Windows

I'm backing up a folder with the "incremental" option, that contains a
complex subfolder tree. The contents of the subfolders are mainly
transaction files from various applications. The user wants to keep the
transaction files for 6 months on disk and then deletes the older ones (the
6th month) to make space for the new month. This is a user task and here I
don't have any involvement.
The user doesn't want to lose the deleted transaction files, because he
might want to restore something for investigation reasons.

I have set up a special policy for this. The backup copygroup definition is
as follows:

Policy Domain Name              TSM_DOMAIN
Policy Set Name                 ACTIVE
Mgmt Class Name                 TSM_MGMT_CLASS
Copy Group Name                 STANDARD
Versions Data Exists            2
Versions Data Deleted           2
Retain Extra Versions           NOLIMIT
Retain Only Version             NOLIMIT
Copy Mode                       MODIFIED
Copy Serialization              SHRSTATIC
Copy Frequency          0
Copy Destination                3590STGPOOL
Table of Contents (TOC) Destination -
Last Update Date/Time           2004-03-12 12:37:03.000000
Last Update by (administrator)  YIANNAKIS
Managing profile                -

I have specified NOLIMIT on retain extra versions and retain only version so
that I don't lose the deleted files. Is that correct ?

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