Hi Paul

With this client there were 2 isues....

Issue 1: Password... try altering the Password (if it start with letter, start the new 
with a number and vice versa (can't remember which situation the problem occured))

Issue 2: You had to use the DSM.OPT to state the user and password, in some case's the 
user and password "slipped out" of the encrypted passwordfile.

By the way, do your self a favor and download the latest client fix pack to 4.1.3 
(think it was

Best regards

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Paul Fielding [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 9. marts 2004 22:44
Emne: Netware root administrator access denied?

Anyone have any problems with giving Netware root admin privileges to TSM?  Using a 
4.1.3 client on a 4.1 netware server, we get the following when trying to use the 
admin account with full root privs:

03/09/2004 13:42:54 ANS1874E Login denied to NetWare Target Service Agent 
03/09/2004 13:42:54 ANS1874E Login denied to NetWare Target Service Agent 
03/09/2004 13:48:21 ANS1874E Login denied to NetWare Target Service Agent 
03/09/2004 13:48:21 ANS1874E Login denied to NetWare Target Service Agent 

if we use an account that has separate privs to the trees, we can log in fine, but 
cannot  backup the NDS and the web GUI doesn't show the NDS.

we've confirmed that the admin account we're trying to use does indeed still work and 
the password is correct.



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