Thank you to those that provided suggestions yesterday. I added exclude lines to my DSM.OPT file to take care of all the files that are in use. That cleaned up those error messages, but did not help with the ASR error. I'm still getting the ANS1468E when my client attempts to backup the automated system recovery files. Below is a copy of the entire dsmerror.log file from last night:
03/09/2004 00:08:33 ANS1228E Sending of object 'C:' failed 03/09/2004 00:08:33 ANS1468E Backing up Automated System Recovery (ASR) files failed. No files will be backed up. 03/09/2004 00:14:04 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'BACKUP' failed. Return code = 12. As mentioned previously, I cannot do an ASR backup manually either (via backup asr at the DSMC command line). At this point I don't know what else to do but remove SYSTEMOBJECT from my backup list. Don't really want to do that for all the obvious reasons, but it wouldn't be the end of the world if that was the only solution. If this client were to ever die, I would probably prefer to do a ground-up rebuild anyway, rather than an ASR restore. Thanks again for the help! Matt Zufelt Southern Utah University >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 3/8/2004 1:14:28 PM >>> If you use an exclude/include list, and record these files in the list, then you will no longer recieve the error=12. I put a corrupted exclude.list.opt file in the directory and received the same error. When I replaced the file and stopped/started the scheduler service, then the error no longer happened. I use a file named: exclude.list.opt ( I only run archives, so I have to define archive.) A typical entry in the file: exclude.archive "c:\pagefile.sys" In the option file I have the following entry: INCLEXCL "C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\Baclient\exclude.list.opt" good luck! Jackie